Time jumps to the beginning of trial in The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 episode 6.
The Lincoln Lawyer: Case File for season 3 episode ‘Man on Fire’
Written by: Katy Erin
Directed by: Ben Hernandez Bray
Let’s review the case file for S3E6.
Refresh Your Memory
- Lorna is supposed to get the bar exam results within three months.
- Izzy subleased her studio to Cat’s TV show.
- Andrea Freeman forgot to let Deborah Glass know her ex-husband would be out of jail for 24 hours. He murdered Deborah while he was out.
- De Marco visited Mickey, warning him to pick a side.
- After freezing up in court, Andrea took off on a trip to clear her head.
- The connection between Bishop and De Marco was found.
- Mickey met with Sly Sr. and Hector Moya while visiting Victorville.
- While driving back to LA, Mickey and Eddie were rear-ended, flipping the Lincoln Navigator and killing Eddie.
RIP Eddie. We barely got to know you.
Eddie died in the “accident,” and the aftermath of his funeral is at the start of this episode. We discussed the accident shown in the trailer breakdown that Tracey and I did together. I mentioned that I hoped whoever was driving the vehicle wasn’t hurt or killed. I thought that with a lovable character like Eddie the writers and showrunners would have him live.
Mickey’s “gift”
Because one of the Lincolns is destroyed, The Lincoln Lawyer gets a new one delivered courtesy of Hector Moya. It’s a Lincoln Navigator, but this one is bulletproof and armored. Hector wants to ensure Mickey is always protected, so he also gets a bodyguard named Omar. Furthermore, Izzy is back to being his driver until a replacement can be hired because she doesn’t trust anyone else. Plus, do you blame her? The armored Navigator looks impressive!
Lorna’s bar exam results
Everyone asks Lorna if she’s checked her email for the results. She finally gives in and opens the email, and her face practically drops to the floor. She tells everyone she failed the bar and is on the verge of tears. Cisco comforts her, and she hands her phone to him. He sees that she has passed. She is ecstatic that she fooled everyone (including me!) I thought it would play into a plotline for next season.
Who is Peter Sterghos?
Forsythe is about to rest his case. The first thing the defense team needs to do is provide an amended witness list. All the names are checked out except for one. The only question is, who is Peter Sterghos? Sterghos was the name used to connect Neil Bishop to Agent De Marco. When asked how that ties them together today, it’s mentioned that a trap is being set, and Sterghos is the bait.
Hayley on a rampage
This episode has a couple of Mickey-Maggie-Hayley scenes, but those come at a cost.
Hayley is upset that Eddie has been killed and berates Mickey outside the church after the funeral. Maggie tries to smooth things over but to no avail. She does tell Mickey he needs to protect himself, however.
Mickey watches from afar
Instead of being taken home, Mickey asks Izzy to take him to the park. Mickey watches Hayley’s riding lesson from afar at Griffith Park with binoculars. Maggie pulls up, saying she knew she could find him there. He says it’s as close as he can get to her at the moment. They have a good conversation about Hayley’s riding progress and Maggie’s signoff on Mickey dating Andrea. All the while, Mickey’s protection detail is not far away.
I loved seeing this moment between these two characters. We don’t get much of Maggie anymore, and I cherish the scenes we see her in.
Rough start
Lorna tells Mickey that Eddie’s death wasn’t his fault. But he disagrees, saying it was his fault and would fix it by finding the person who did it and burying them.
Andrea texts him, asking if they can meet, and he drives to her house. He thought it would be a break-up talk, but it was just the opposite. I was happy they did not break up. I have enjoyed seeing some of their relationship through these past three episodes. They seem to say the right things, that Andrea isn’t Maggie and that she isn’t going to ice out Mickey when things get tough.
Celebration time
Mickey, Lorna, Cisco, and Izzy meet at a restaurant for Lorna’s bar exam victory party. Mickey gives her a pocket-sized copy of the United States Constitution that he has carried since passing the bar. Inside the pocket-sized book, however, is her offer sheet. Lorna asks if there is a typo. Haller says there is no typo, and that she earned the offered pay rate.
Time jumps to trial
After asking how the prosecution will structure the trial, Mickey explains how it will go. We then jump forward two months in time as the trial begins. Mickey walks the team through what they should expect. The medical examiner will testify first followed by Detective Whitten. Next will be Glory’s neighbor. That will be where they can get their first punch in. Some cameras show the front entrance, but none show the rear entrance of the apartment building. The final thing Forsythe will do is try to throw them one last “curveball”.
The curveball
An amateur boxing champion and former client of Julian with the last name Miller takes the stand. Mickey draws doubt to the idea that Miller would have been by La Cosse. Moving on, Mickey asks a few questions about Miller’s criminal record. A drug treatment diversion program covered two charges for solicitation, but he has a third one still pending. Mickey asks Miller to testify as to the location of the pending charge. We learn that the charge was made in Riverside County, which conveniently is the same county where Forsythe did his appellate work.
Amended witness list
After Mickey passes out the amended witness list, Forsythe complains that 33 new names have been added. Mickey offers an immediate solution. He starts the defense’s side of the trial with the already approved names, giving the prosecution time to vet the new names. After a quick recess is called, Mickey gets a visit from Bishop in the bathroom, asking why he’s on Haller’s list. When asked if Haller thinks it’s all fun and games, Mickey assures him it is no game. They share some more choice words and head back into the courtroom.
Defense begins
Mickey begins his opening statement by talking about Gloria Dayton, saying she was taken too soon. He finishes by saying that they are going to prove that there was a conspiracy to kill Gloria, which blindsides Julian who expected an alternate suspect defense. Lorna and Mickey talk to David and Julian and explain that the conspiracy tactic is indeed correct. They must trust that this is the only way to get Julian a not-guilty verdict.
Andrea confesses
Andrea Freeman tells her boss Adam Suarez that she forgot to call Deborah Glass and inform her of the Cruz waiver. She asks Adam not to take any further action about the infraction until she gets a chance to put the ex-husband behind bars. Adam tells her to “wrap it up with a “bow”, and he will pretend that their conversation did not occur.
A trap is set
Izzy approaches Peter Sterghos at his home. Peter is happy that his house will be featured on a TV show. The idea originated when Izzy received the check from the production company for subleasing her studio. While they are using his house, Peter is headed to Greece to visit his mom. Cisco enters the house with equipment cases after Peter leaves in a taxi.
What do you think Cisco and The Lincoln Lawyer hope to accomplish with this trap?
House shopping
Cisco prints a bunch of real estate listings for Lorna to review. After reviewing some of them, Lorna says they cannot afford them unless Cisco has a side hustle with the Road Saints. He argues his case, saying that he has a retirement fund stashed away. Plus, surely Lorna will receive a raise upon passing the bar exam. Cisco believes they should be able to afford something nice. Lorna is particularly fond of the kitchen shown on one of the flyers.
An unexpected arrest
After pulling up to his house near the end of the episode, a few law enforcement vehicles pull up, surrounding Omar’s car. Homeland Security pulls Omar out of his vehicle and arrests him, claiming that he is on the deportation list because he is in the US illegally.
Mickey points out that they have not even performed an identification before handcuffing Omar. They glance at Omar’s ID and claim they just did so. Haller fires one last shot, saying that De Marco is behind this. One of the officers pushes Mickey back, telling him that he should shut up unless he wants to be next.
Izzy tells Mickey she will take him to a hotel until they can implement a new security plan.
Episodes 1 – 10 of The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 are available on Netflix.
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The Lincoln Lawyer recap: ‘Case file’ for season 3 episode 7 – So Many Shows!
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