It was a good day in court for the Lincoln Lawyer, but it comes at a cost.
The Lincoln Lawyer: Case File for Season 3 episode ‘Mystery Man’
Written by Gladys Rodriguez and Jake H. Bernstein
Directed by Jose Gilberto Molinari-Rosaly
Let’s review the case file for S3E8.
Refresh Your Lincoln Lawyer Memory
- We’re in the middle of the defense portion of Julian La Cosse’s trial.
- Trina Trixxx flipped her testimony on the stand, saying she only said what Mickey wanted because he was paying her rent.
- Video from Peter Sterghos’s house showed Bishop and De Marco breaking in and planting drugs.
- Haller and Associates had an amended witness list with 33 names added.
Multiple Lincoln Lawyers
At the start of the episode, a camera shot shows Mickey doing many things while looking over the case, switching attire during the shot from casual wear to a suit and tie. There was a similar shot in Season 2 when Lorna typed up the many motions Mickey needed for the Lisa Trammel case. The seamless transition across windowpanes was mesmerizing.
What’s the plan for the day?
Lorna and Cisco came in, and she stayed up all night to prepare her argument for the amended witness list. She is so ready that she’s overcaffeinated. Izzy comes in with the suit tailored to fit Julian better, which Gustavo tailored.
They do not know how to introduce the video recording from Peter Sterghos’s house yet because the Judge shot down De Marco as a witness. Mickey tasks Cisco with locating Trina Trixx to offer protection and possibly get her to tell the truth. After seeing how frazzled Lorna is, Izzy offers to take care of the office stuff.
Izzy saves the day
Lorna arrives at the office to help with all the invoices, but Izzy has done it all. She calls Izzy and thanks her for all the work, and Izzy says it was no problem. She knew Lorna needed the help and asked for the next day off. Due to Cat’s torn ACL, Izzy can fill in for Cat on the TV show she is working on, which already has Cat’s blessing.
Dinner and prep work
Lorna must put a few things away before they can start prepping for De Marco’s testimony. Mickey asks what they will have for dinner when Izzy appears with Din Tai Fung. Mickey announces Izzy as their new office manager. Lorna is so happy for Izzy and herself that she starts telling Izzy all the work that she needs to do because money has to start flowing into the practice.
Cisco had to deliver De Marco’s subpoena to an in-house attorney. As for Trina, Cisco says she will stay with Kendall and not stick her head out again. She will not testify until after De Marco is arrested. The real kicker is that Trina admitted that De Marco pressured her to lie on the stand.
A break has been earned because it was a good day. They raise their takeout cups and cheer for the ones they have lost along the way.
Lorna fills in for Izzy
With Izzy getting a day off, Lorna replaces her as Mickey’s driver and shows up in her Mini Cooper. So funny when Mickey gets into the car and asks how Cisco rides in it.
Family supports each anther
Izzy and Mickey meet outside the courthouse. She tells him about being interviewed as Cat’s replacement as a choreographer but is torn because she loves being able to help people like Mickey helped her. Mickey tells her that she is family to him and that a family supports each other. He would hate losing her but says her heart should be her guide, and if dancing is what is calling to her, she has to see it through.
She says they are also her family: Lorna, Cisco, and Mickey. She is not a lawyer and can’t drive Mickey around forever, but Mickey thinks she might be in luck. A new office manager position just opened up, and she might be the perfect candidate. Instead of a handshake, Izzy accepts the deal by hugging Mickey.
This was an excellent moment for Izzy. I was so happy she wasn’t just a Swiss army knife for the team. They all consider each other family, and Izzy will be taking on more of a role with Haller and Associates.
The walk to the courthouse
Before heading into the Judge’s chambers, Mickey tells Lorna that Neil Bishop is the key witness, and the others are just distractions. He suggests that she sit on the left side of the judge, saying it’s like a Jedi mind trick, but she knows the move. After all, she taught him the mind trick because she had read about it in Parade magazine. Mickey thought he learned it from Legal Seigel. They notice Forsythe buying a croissant and a coffee and mention how much they dislike him.
Inside the judge’s chambers
The Lincoln Lawyer offered a compromise to the amended witness list. They crossed off most names due to De Marco not being allowed to be a witness, and to make things smoother, they crossed off all but three names. Lorna argued for the three names on the list, and Mickey sat back and let her do most of the talking. It was funny watching Mickey start to talk, but with Lorna staying up all night prepping for the arguments, she made the arguments needed to keep Neil Bishop as a witness. They got what they were looking for, and Neil Bishop was the only one allowed to be added and called as a witness by the defense.
Julian’s tailored suit
Mickey helps Julian get dressed in a suit tailored to fit him better as he has lost much weight during his incarceration. They discuss the case together, and Mickey assures Julian that their path is correct. Trina was a setback, but they will get where they need to be. Mickey helps Julian tie his tie, saying his dad taught him, “A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life.” Julian knew it was an Oscar Wilde quote because Wilde is one of Julian’s favorite poets.
Back to the trial
Mickey introduces defense exhibit G, Gloria Dayton’s cell phone records, and hands Detective Whitten a copy. Mickey was after a specific phone call logged on the records, and that was a call to a number ending in 6700. It was the main line to the Drug Enforcement Administration Agency, to which Gloria placed a call forty-one minutes after receiving the subpoena in the Moya case. He asks Whitten a few more questions to wrap up his testimony.
The judge calls for a short recess after Detective Whitten’s testimony. At that time, the Lincoln Lawyer asked if counsel could approach the bench, which was granted. At the bench, Haller pleads for Agent De Marco to be reconsidered to testify because the phone call puts the relevance of his testimony in a whole new light. Lorna sweetened the pot by mentioning third-party culpability and appellate courts. The judge allowed De Marco to testify but said Mickey could only ask relevant questions. My favorite part of this conversation is, at one point, Mickey looks at the judge with an almost pleading look just before she gives in on the request.
The Roosevelt Hotel security footage
Victor Hensley, the general manager of the Roosevelt Hotel, testifies and is used as a trojan horse to bring the security footage into play for the defense. This is precisely what happens, but not without an excellent acting job from Mickey, who claims this is the first time they have heard about it. Of course, we know they have had it all along. However, Julian didn’t know that, and when he was told, he almost repeated it too loudly in the courtroom.
After the recess, Victor steps through the security footage of Gloria Dayton’s movements. Towards the end of the video, he calls the man in the hat who seemed to follow Gloria out of the hotel a “Mystery Man.” Hence, the episode’s title.
Who is sweating now?
After the court recessed for the day, Lorna and Mickey see Forsythe berating Bishop near the elevators. This conversation proves that Forsythe didn’t know about the security footage because Bishop deemed it irrelevant. Forsythe is overheard telling Bishop that it had the appearance of malfeasance. He tells Bishop that whether he thinks something is pertinent or not, Bishop better not hold anything back from him again. Mickey says, “He’s sweating now.” Lorna asks which one.
Who do you think was sweating more, Forsythe or Bishop? Let us know your thoughts by emailing or
Where is Trina Trixx?
Trina is gone, and the apartment is a mess. Cisco calls Mickey to let him know, and Mickey says she’s probably just gone underground. However, he says there’s one place Cisco could look.
Cisco goes to Kendall Roberts’s house to ask if she’s seen Trina because they used to cover for each other. Kendall denies knowing where she is, and Cisco says that Trina could be in a dangerous situation and doesn’t have to face it alone. Kendall shuts the door, and as Cisco walks away, you can almost see him counting down in his head. The door opens back up, and Trina says she will listen to what he has to say.
Julian is attacked
At the end of this episode, Julian is gruesomely attacked while being loaded into the vans at the jail for transport. Another inmate pulls a shiv hidden in his shoe and stabs Julian multiple times before the sheriffs can subdue him. We see Julian writhing in pain on the ground, and we fear the worst.
The Lincoln Lawyer will have to think fast. Julian’s injury is a terrible turn of events for Julian and for the trial. Who knows if and when he will be able to return to court. This will cause Forsythe to motion for a mistrial.
Episodes 1 – 10 of The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 are available on Netflix.
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