Killjoys Episode 10 Everything comes to an end… That is so true when it comes to the season finale of Killjoys. There was laughter, tears and an ending that makes us wish it was next season already. The Queen is back We begin with the boys getting to know Aneela. She is her wonderful joyous […]
Killjoys Episode 9: The Kids are Alright
Killjoys Episode 9 Sometimes a show makes you laugh, makes you smile, and sometimes even cry. Tonight’s episode of Killjoys did all three, but mostly left us heartbroken and confused. Let’s find out why. Delle Seyah returns The episode starts with Delle Seyah on Arken trying to decipher Khylen’s work on the green to find […]
Killjoys Episodes 7/8
Killjoys Episodes 7 and 8 So much to say, so little time. The Killjoys and their friends have been hard at work and have found out some very interesting things. Some good, some bad and some very, very ugly. Team Turin and Zeph and Pip Old Westerly In episodes six and seven we see more […]
Killjoys Episode 5: Greening Pains
Killjoys Episode 5 Sometimes life is a roller coaster and for some, it’s one that never stops. That can’t be any truer than for heroes. A growing child, missing children, living dolls and a story that doesn’t make sense. Sounds like a dark fairy tale but it isn’t, it’s just a nightmare. Trouble on […]
Killjoys 402 “John Dangerously”
Killjoys 4-2 “John Dangerously Last week we saw the past and how it is relevant to the survival of the future of survival. This week we are back in the present and Johnny, D’avin and Seyah Kendry are walking through an endless sea of sand. Prison planet outside the Quad We last saw our lost […]