Killjoys 4-2 “John Dangerously
Last week we saw the past and how it is relevant to the survival of the future of survival. This week we are back in the present and Johnny, D’avin and Seyah Kendry are walking through an endless sea of sand.
Prison planet outside the Quad
We last saw our lost heroes at the end of last season stuck in a floating elevator shaft that apparently landed on a planet outside the Quad , as Johnny points out, based off the different moons.The jibbing between Johnny and Kendry is fun to listen to. Though D’avin doesn’t think so as he tells them to be quiet or he’s turning them all around back to the elevator shaft.
Not long after their squabble a group of marauders show up, looking to take their weapons and Kendry to sell due to the fact she’s pregnant. With the help of Kendry, they are able to take them down. But in the process Johnny’s already punctured lung gets worse and they go in search for somewhere to heal him.
After trekking for miles, they find an encampment. D’avin who has his gun in one hand and his dying brother in his other, kindly tells them that they need medical help or he will shoot them.
The locals tell them that their doctor won’t be back until morning but they have some basic supplies. D’avin and Kendry know that won’t save Johnny and decide to go the more extreme route, use the little amount of the green Kendry has and heal him. Though D’avin doesn’t necessarily agree with turning his brother hollon he knows it’s the only way to save his baby brother.
I love how we are seeing how much softer D’avin is in this season. I feel knowing he will be a father has made him rethink things and we do see that he really does care for Johnny. It’s also nice to see the man gaining a sense of calm while the pregnant woman is still her badass self with a hint of softness creeping in. Usually when a woman gets pregnant she stops being fierce. I am hoping this continues even after the baby is born.
Time to get up!
Once they give Johnny the green they wait for him to wake up.
And when he does he grabs D’avin by the throat and yells at him for turning him Hullen but after awhile and being threatened to be shot by Kendry, he starts laughing and telling him he was just joking and he feels great giving his brother a big kiss on the lips. And gives the line “I’m back bitches” but as the episode progresses it’s apparent that the Johnny Jaqobis is not the same man we’ve all loved for the last three seasons.
Going back out to the patrons of the encampment we start seeing the new Johnny, as he begins insulting everyone.
After some silent tension the woman asks if their killjoys and if so they would like to hire them. She tells them that their sharecroppers and that they had a bad season and won’t make the quota and the overseers will take everything. And if they help them they will give them a ship to get out.
And now we get more taste of Hullen Johnny as he tells one of them he likes his hat, before raising his rifle and threatening to shoot him. Luckily D’avin is able to talk him down, while johnny tries to figure out what caused the outburst, D’avin takes the gun for extra security.
So not only is Johnny changing but the trust they’ve built between each other, for the last four seasons, is once again crumbling.
When the overseers come, D’Avin tries to talk them Into a new deal, but before he can say anything guns are pulled on them. And Johnny after thinking back to everything thinks he knows what’s going on, and grabs the gun being held to his head and shoots everyone holding a gun.
More juice please
This is when you start seeing the Hullen juice really creeping it’s way into Johnny’s mind. D’avin stares at his brother trying to figure out what is going on. Johnny simply states he only shot the ones with guns. Johnny starts explaining to D’avin about how they say their farm holders but they saw no farms on the way here, and explains that guards and chips all lead to it being a prison planet.
The woman who told them about the medic, Bea (played by Mercedes Morris) says he’s wrong and pulls up her shirt to show him the scars and says “we are the farms” going on to tell them about how they where sent to the planet to work off debt. And they pay their debt in organs, and are given organ regrowth medicine, their never able to escape their debt because they keep adding debt onto it.
Just as she’s telling her story one of the chips go off on one of the soldiers, and she explains that now that no ones checked in their going send people with guns, lots of them. D’avin just says “good” and comes up with a plan to fake them out and than take them on when they come. As Johnny has figured out how to undo the tracking devices.
After Johnny takes out the trackers he tells D’avin he has a secondary plan, telling him they need it cause his will fail. Because it relies on people. More tell tell signs that our dear lovable Johnny is being lost because he loved people and now he’s starting to despise them. His plan is to use a homing beacon he made from the chips to call to Lucy.
D’Avin decides that Kendry should go do that part as Johnny is a good fighter and that he doesn’t trust him. So Kendry takes Bea with her to the elevator shaft and Kendry tells her about all the time they where stuck in the elevator together. Which was a nice break from the darkness of the episode, as we see in the flashback the three of them trying to get along and Kendry complaining about them farting and snoring. As they talk her and Bea become close. But just as their warming up one of the overseers shows up and Kendry realizes that Johnny betrayed them.
But his betrayal doesn’t end there. As their preparing for their plan Johnny knocks out D’avin with laughing gas. And then handcuffs him inside one of the jeeps, after waking him up tells him he’s going help him get more green and blasts music.
This whole episode was hard to watch. Seeing Johnny almost die, and than slowly lose the lovable man we’ve come to love over the last four seasons fade away. Though we saw some hopeful glimpse of his other side, that took the form of Dutch that tried to keep him stable. So in episode one we see Johnny save Dutches humanity and in this episode we see her try to save his.
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In another part of the J
Zeph, who had been keeping Pip and herself alive by going out among a ship full of sleeping Hullen after Delle Seya called off the attack and gathering food, make an escape plan and head to the Rac where the others are stationed.
They learn that everyone who was turned Hullen is in the same inanimate state. They learn that Johnny, Dutch and D’avin aren’t there so they devise a plan to go to the ScarBacks temple where they were last known to be. With Fairyza (played by guest star Anna Hopkins), a former ScarBack to get them through the inner temple they use one of Hullen ships to jump straight in since the temple is too close to the sun for any ship to fly to.
Once inside the temple they find the bodies of multiple dead ScarBacks. Even though she left the order, Fairyza feels the need to give them a proper ScarBack sendoff.
Zeph sends Pip to get the security footage to find out what happened to Dutch and the gang. While getting the footage Pip is attacked by a supposedly asleep Hullen, he grabs Pip and a mechanical spider looking thing, like the ones that climbed out of the pool when Dutch and Aneela went into the green at the end of last season, crawls out of his mouth and towards a screaming Pip.
But wait, there’s more…
Meanwhile, Zeph collects a sample from the green pool and is called over by Fairuza who shows her the dead mechanical spider and the fact all but one monk had defensive wounds and he had self-afflicted wounds.
When the ladies can’t reach Pip they go looking for him and he appears out of nowhere scaring them. Zeph asks how he cut his face and he says that he doesn’t remember doing that. He then tells them about Dutch going into the green and Johnny, D’avin and Delle Seya bring in the transport that takes them between the main temple and that one. He also tells them he knows how to find them. They hear a screeching noise and Fairuza says they have to leave.
I love all the moments between Zeph and Pip. I hope whatever that ugly spider thing is doesn’t kill him.
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Killjoys airs Fridays at 10/9c on SYFY
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