Killjoys Episode 5
Sometimes life is a roller coaster and for some, it’s one that never stops. That can’t be any truer than for heroes. A growing child, missing children, living dolls and a story that doesn’t make sense. Sounds like a dark fairy tale but it isn’t, it’s just a nightmare.
Trouble on Old Westerley
Johnny, Dutch and D’avin are all having a bit of cabin fever in this week’s episode. Turin then calls and lets them know children are disappearing from Old Westerley but Dutch tells him their not going back. Cue Pree.
Pree gets upset that they aren’t going back. He says he’s been a warlord, a sexer, and an entrepreneur but what he misses most is his man, Gared. Dutch tells him he should get the next shuttle back to Old Westerley to be with him.
Those darn growing pains
We learn quickly that the baby isn’t ordinary in any sense. Johnny heads out to relax with Dutch and before they can even delve into her dream they hear the baby crying.
But there’s a problem
No one knows where the baby is and when they finally do find the baby he has grown to be five years old.
Zeph lets the team know that the Hullen cells are forcing the human cells to grow at an exponential rate. D’avin says they have to figure out what to do before that Baby is older than him.
Pip to the rescue.. sort of

He lets them know that he knows a specialist on a place called Utopia. So upon his suggestion Dutch, Johnny, D’avin and Pip head into Utopia.
Utopia is what it’s name suggests
A place where people indulge in pleasures of their choosing. They go to visit Pips acquaintance, Kravn. After Kravn pretends he doesn’t know Pip and the man at the front desk took Pip’s bribe but booked them three months out, they came up with a new plan.
The plan that doesn’t go well
D’avin pretends to be a thief and while he keeps them busy Johnny and Dutch sneak down to where Kravn would sneak out but they got a shock. Kravn wasn’t in the escape room, he was the escape room.
Computerized menace
Kravn has uploaded his brain into the computer system. After insulting the two for awhile he releases Temim, a nerve agent.
Computer smart Johnny to the rescue
Johnny has Dutch type in some commands into Kravn’s mainframe and the told her to type the letters G O T YOU A S S H O L E and then had Kravn read it out loud which made the program eject itself. He was having Dutch change the voice control to do that. Our Johnny outsmarted a super computer.
D’avin on drugs
As Johnny and Dutch we’re leaving Kravn’s they find D’avin over drugged on stimulants. They grab D’avin and head back to Lucy.
Lucy meets someone new
After finding out D’avins son was now a sixteen year old, Johnny starts arguing with Lucy about uploading another AI but finally is able to do it.
Immediately Lucy starts flirting with Kravn to make Johnny jealous but the two of them figure out how to stabilize the kids cells so he won’t age so fast.
Pip is starting to lose it
Johnny and D’avin look for D’avins son but can’t find him. Lucy let’s them know that Pip has taken him onto Utopia and has booked a shuttle. They stop Pip and bring them both back.
Pip is being taken over by the spider thing inside of him and he’s starting to lose himself. I hope that Zeph is able to save him.
A touching father son moment
While the boy (which is all that they are calling him right now) is getting treatment, D’avin goes up to the window and asks if he’s ok. He places his hand on the glass window and his son does the same.
Westerley – Old Town
We listen as a woman sings her daughter to sleep, before these men in masks break in and zap her and take her child.
Though it was a short scene it had a lot of emotion, seeing a child ripped from their mother. It seems the lady has started her war.

Old Town: The Royale (Pree’s bar)
As Gared (Prees husband played by Gavin Fox) is taking care of a costumer. Fancy walks in, not looking too happy. Gared mentions how good it is to see a familiar face. I think he’s been lonely due to being the only one back on Westerly.
Fancy asks him who he can talk to about kids that are going missing in old westerly. He tells Fancy that people are tense, and he will take care of it.
So Fancy, who doesn’t listen very well, starts asking one of the customers very forcefully about the missing kids and after the man swears he knows nothing, and Fancy has done some painful damage, Fancy let’s him go.
Gared sighs and tells Fancy that he will do the talking next time. Fancy just looks at him and they head out of the bar.
Westerley Old Town- Ginny’s home (the mother of one of the taken children)
Gared talks to Ginny (played by Kim Roberts) , who tells him she’s been good with no debts, and she doesn’t know why they took her daughter.
Fancy asks who “they” are and Gared says that she’s talking about a minors superstition that if they get in debt their children will be taken from them.
She told him how the person that took her had glowing red eyes and zapped her before taking her daughter.
Fancy has heard enough about superstitions and as Fancy checks the door with a machine for anything left behind, in which Gared who’s still going on about the superstition says he won’t find anything, Fancy smirks and finds a hidden handprint.
Old Westerly- the streets
So Gared and Fancy follows the trail of handprints finding one on a door of a child who hasn’t been taken yet And as they see people breaking into the house, Gared storms them, even though Fancy tells him to stay back.
Gared is overtaken and is brought to wherever the kids are being kept. The kids just sit and stare at him while Gared notices that there are guards all around the room he is in.
Meanwhile Fancy also gets ambushed but they don’t take him. Later on that night he is picked up forcefully and is staringe into the eyes of a pissed off Pree, who says “where’s my man?”
The Armada
Turin asks the awoken Hullen (played by ishan Morris) to take him to where the green is kept. And the whole time he’s leading him there he repeats “somethings wrong”.
Turin ignores him, and as they walk through the room with the Hullen “dolls” Turin asks if they were turned the other way. But like Turin he ignores the signs and just goes checks on the green, and curses when he finds it frozen.
As their leaving, they notice all the Hullen dolls are gone. Turin should of listened to his new comrad.And when they get up to the bridge, they find the Hullen soldiers and their pointing guns at them.
As Turin thinks he’s about to die, his new Hullen friend gets infront of him and holds him tricking the other Hullen Into thinking Turin is taken of care of.
After the soldiers are gone, the Hullen emotionally says he remembers his name, that it’s Weej.Turin, not actually caring, says that’s great but to let go of him. I think even though he acts tough he cares about the young man.
Weej tells him the others are headed to the docking bay. But by the time they get there it’s to late and they are all taking off.
In the final moments
We see Johnny send Kravn back to his system. We also see Delle Seyah taking everything in. She hasn’t met her son yet and she’s having a lot of feelings rushing at her. She tells Johnny he’s the only one who knows what she’s going through and wants to know how to make it better. He tells her to be a nicer person and pay for her crimes.
I think Johnny and the others are being a little overzealous with Delle Seyah. She was raised a certain way and that’s hard to fight against but she seems to want to.
A puzzle piece solved
While Dutch and Johnny fight about whose version of Khylen’s story was right, Dutch figured out he changed pieces of it when he told her it. He knew the lady would look into her memories. Now they have to figure out what it is that Johnny knows that will save the universe.
Killjoys airs Fridays on SyFy
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