Killjoys Episodes 7 and 8
So much to say, so little time. The Killjoys and their friends have been hard at work and have found out some very interesting things. Some good, some bad and some very, very ugly.
Team Turin and Zeph and Pip
Old Westerly
In episodes six and seven we see more Pree and Gared than in most episodes prior.
This is good because they are both beloved characters, especially Pree.
Episode six has Pree confronting Fancy about what happened to his “Gare-bear”, Fancy tells him all that happened.
The search is on leading them to
A creepy man leaving handprints on the door for the Hullen. Once they get him, they scan his handprint so they can use it.
We have bait set and it’s name is Pree
Pree sets himself up as bait. Putting a fake handprint on a house, and instead of a kid the Hullen find him waiting.
They take him, and we find out Pree has a camera in his eye so Turin can see everything as well.
Where did they go?
The old Rac ship has become their base of operation and is littered with bodies.
The Rac
Pree breaks into where their holding Gared, only to find him being beat up by other prisoners over his boots.
After a little banter between Pree and Gared, Pree takes off his earrings.
The Earrings come off
Gared lets the men know that their in for it, because it’s serious when Pree takes off his earrings. Just as Gared promised, Pree kicks their asses.
This episode shows a lot of how powerful and intelligent Pree is. Which is nice because the more Pree the better.
Love is in the air, even during war
We see an emotional scene between them, that involves a sweet kiss between the two.
I can’t lie it was nice to see same sex kiss between two lovers on television, as it’s still taboo to see especially two men embrace and be intimate.
Turin tells them to get moving, breaking their intimate moment, pissing off Pree.
After the exchange, Pree says “I’m sorry for being late” after Gared asking how he got there so fast.
Pree finds out Gared thinks he’s only been their for 10min, Pree tells him he’s been their for five day and Gared tells him he doesn’t remember any of it.
Shaken but not broken
Pree, obviously shaken says “Help papa find his earrings”. I love how fun scenes with Pree and Gared are.
After fighting off some Hullen guards, Turin tells them to go to the engineering room and he will help them upload the information to him.
When they get there they have to have Weej override the system because they’ve changed the passcodes.
As Turin gives Pree orders, he continues to act like Pree doesn’t know anything even though he’s a warlord.
Turin tells him the plan, and Pree takes out the lense in his eye and places it in the geometric scanner. Which cuts off communication with Turin but started sending the data to Turin and Weej.
They are in
Weej breaks into the Rac system brining up the security feeds causing Gared to see the missing children, and tells Pree they have to save them
I love seeing this papa bear attitude from Gared. His character has developed and changed so much since season 2.
Pree gets him to realize that the two of them trying to do something would only make it worse. But promises they will come back for them.
Weej to the rescue
On their way out they get surrounded by Hullen guards. for a minute they think it’s all over before Weej shows up and saves them.
The Armada ship
In episode seven we really start to see the connection between Weej and Turin growing.
As they watched what was going on with Pree within the Rac, Turin even made friendly bets with Weej through Pree’s fight.
when Pree couldn’t get Turin’s passcode to work, Turin asked if Weej could override it.
Human School
When Weej finished he asked Turing what the lives of just two people meant.
Turin explains to him that their his guys. At first Weej thought he owned them, but Turin just tells him their his guys like Weej is.
Weej then asks him what love is. Which makes Turin say he doesn’t have time to explain human feelings.
It’s kind of a neat turn around to see a man like Turin having to talk about emotions. When he for so long has never showed any.
What’s truly important
I think his time with Weej is making Turin see the importance of feelings and humanity.
This is shown when they see Pree and Gared on the monitor getting overtaken, Turin starts to go to the docking bay to go save them.
We can all get along

Turin is finally putting his neck out for others. Between his time with Fancy and Weej I think we are starting to see the man behind the hard shell.
Before he can Weej knocks him out to and goes saves them himself which is kind of showing again that Weej is fighting against the Hullen parasite because he is showing caring for Turin and the others.
The war council gathers
When Pree and Gared get back. We see Pree in the war room with Turin, who is once again pissing off Pree by telling him he’s pretty good for a bartender and mentions that they have visual now of all the Rac because of Weej. Which pisses Pree off again.
Pree mentions that they need to save the kids. And Turin agrees and says they’ll also take back their ship.
Zeph walks in, and Pree asks her about Pip and she says he has a headache and looks at the screen And notices that their making a fresh non solidified pool of green.
Speaking of Zeph and Pip, let us go back to episode six. Where she is on her Black Root Ship with Pip who after waking up finds out about the spider.
Let’s get rid of a spider shall we
Zeph tries one way of getting the spider out and fails. The only options are to do more dangerous tests. Which he says he wants to do because he can’t stand Zeph not trusting him.
The test Zeph does kills the spider but kills Pip as well but she’s able to revive him. The problem is it also revives the spider. But luckily it moves away from the part of the brain where it can control him.
Zeph is lost
But there’s always bad news and the spider has a half life and is dying fast and if it dies pip dies.
This is the first time we really see Zeph break down and feel hopeless. And proof she really cares about Pip. The only thing keeping her going at this moment is Pip telling her that he trusts her to find a way.
We see her in episode eight helping Dutch in hologram form. And can see she still doesn’t know how to help Pip and it is destroying her.
Team Awesome Force
It’s been parents day on the last two episodes of KillJoys for the Jaqobi brothers and Dutch.
Episode seven gave us a look at what Aleena’s parents were like while episode eight gave us insight into the Joqobi’s. Let’s start with our badass assassin: Dutch.
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