Old Westerly
The sickness
Things aren’t going well on old Westerly. It all starts with Gared noticing that Pree has a fever. But Pree just shakes it off.
But it isn’t just Pree. We learn that when Luvayan, Ginnys daughter, comes and tells Gared that her mother’s ill. Gared goes gets her and brings her to the Royale.
Enter Zeph
Coming down to the Royale from the Armada ship, She gives Pree a check up and sees that he is sick. And also looks at Ginny. Who swears like Pree she’s fine.
Gared than asks her to check on the others. Which is almost the whole town.
After doing some tests, Zeph realizes it was the kids they saved that brought the virus to Westerley.
After conveying that to Turin, She starts looking for a cure while Turin Reaches out to the Qresh for assistance.
While she is attempting that Ginny suddenly falls into a coma.
Zeph is in pain and not from an illness
Once she believes she has found a cure, She decides to try it on herself. But thankfully Pree stops her.
He tells her to try it on him. That a doctor is more useful than a bartender. Before finding out that she was only doing it because of the pain of losing Pip.
Pree tells her that what she was about to do was irrational and selfish. And not like what Pip did who made the hard call so they didn’t have to. She asks him how she can get over Pip. And He tells her you never get over things you just keep living.

Important things lost
After giving it to Pree, his vitals starts to get better but it has a side effect. It took away the memory of the one he loved the most Gared.
Ginny has also lost the memory of her daughter. And as Zeph tries to figure it out, she loses the one thing she’s always had, Her intelligence and concentration.
on the Armada ship
A Qresh representative shows up and Turin makes a plea to him for supplies.
But instead gets told that they are going destroy Westerly if a cure isn’t found.
Turin gets the call from Zeph right on time – she found a cure. This is prior to her finding out Pree lost his memory.
And Turin tells them their not blowing up anything.
An ending and a beginning
The end of the episode leaves us with more questions than answers.
We see Dutch and Johnny in bed, which I am not to unhappy about, and Johnny calls her Yalena.
They are married and own the Royale. Johnny leaves to go to work at the plant where he works with Gared.
Poor Turin though is a street urchin who obviously doesn’t like Johnny.
Johnny bumps into D’avin who is obviously a killjoy and isn’t related to Johnny. He also has a warrant for none other than his own son, Jaq Kin Rit.
The plant is shown and it has green smog flowing from it.
All the while we hear Dutch telling a story that her father told her about kids leaving breadcrumbs to always find their way home.
What could it all mean..?
We shall find out when Killjoys returns for its fifth and final season next year on the SYFY channel.
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