Better Call Saul 407
There seem to be a number of people saying and doing something stupid in Better Call Saul season 4 episode 7. But none of these people is Nacho, who is still resting up, apparently. Fans of Nacho should be happy to note that after 3 weeks in absentia, it looks like Nacho will return next week, if the episode 8 preview is to be believed.
Nothing Stupid About the Opening Montage
This episode has 2 montages, both with unusual and effective choices for songs. The title of Better Call Saul season 4 episode 7 comes from the song in this opening montage, Somethin’ Stupid, an old Sinatra song (though this version was a cover by Lola Marsh). The split screen shows things separately from Jimmy’s and Kim’s perspectives as almost 10 months pass, during which
- Kim moves her file boxes to her new partner law office, gets her cast off, meets with bankers, plays public defender and helps Mesa Verde open multiple new branches.
- A fancy metal sign is hung outside Kim’s office with her name on it.
- Jimmy moves boxes of cell phones to a van and sells them with Huell (while putting up a “be back in a jiff” sign on the door at the CC Mobile store), and makes his monthly PPD meetings.
- Jimmy orders business cards promoting his drop phone business under the name “Saul Goodman.”
During this time, Jimmy and Kim go from brushing their teeth together, eating dinner together and sleeping facing each other, to going through their morning routines separately, eating dinner alone (he eating cereal at home and she eating take-out at her desk) and sleeping (or lying awake, in Jimmy’s case) facing opposite directions.
Jimmy’s Choice of a Potential Law Office is Stupid
The creators of Better Call Saul pulled another fake-out on us, by showing Jimmy’s sales pitch for a new dual-partner law office from the point of view of an unseen person. We hope it’s Kim, though we know it can’t be, so we’re wondering who Jimmy is trying to recruit as a new law partner or at least lease partner. It turns out he’s practicing his spiel on Huell, who thinks he’d be better off on the 40th floor of a glass high-rise.
Jimmy’s Suggestions for Retreat Locations are Increasingly Stupid

Kim takes Jimmy to a party at Schweikart & Cokely. At first, Jimmy is mixing well with Kim’s co-workers. He remembers everyone’s name and details about them.
Jimmy checks out Kim’s office, which he measures as almost twice as big as the “partner” office in the space he’s considering for his new offices. He checks out Kim’s shelves, showing the recognition from Mesa Verde and from her public defender clients, and feels the need to overcompensate by showing off.
Rejoining the party, he chimes in on a discussion of where to hold the yearly company retreat. Jimmy’s suggestions become more and more outlandish and extravagant, ending with him impersonating a company jet while Kim silently re-thinks inviting him at all. Rick Schweikart tells Jimmy, “You certainly don’t think small.” Kim falls short of saying what she really thinks when she comments, in the car on the way home, “Well, that was something.”
Gus Knows His Choice of Doctors for Hector was not Stupid
Breaking Bad fans get a special treat in the form of paila marina, a clam stew Gus is cooking for Dr. Maureen Bruckner from Johns Hopkins. This is the same stew Gus cooked (separately) with Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in the same house in Breaking Bad. So this gives us more evidence for our theory that Gus lives alone and also tells us he has the same house now as he does later in Breaking Bad, so he amassed quite a fortune before the meth empire that grew because of Walt’s special recipe.
While the stew is simmering, the Doctor shows him video documenting the magnificent progress Hector has made in the 10 months since Gus visited him in the dark of night. Hector is sitting up and can understand and answer yes or no questions, which he does by pressing his finger down on the table (the bell has not yet been introduced, but you can see it’s coming). Gus realizes that Hector intentionally knocks over a cup of water — we’re not sure if he does it to make extra work for the female orderly or so he can ogle her back end as she bends over to wipe it up. My vote is that it was a little of both.
Seeing this intentional action tells Gus that Hector has had enough rehab. The Doctor thinks that Hector can regain the ability to talk and maybe even walk again, with the proper treatment, but Gus wants to temper expectations and leave Hector to suffer as a mute invalid for the rest of his days.
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