With contributions and editing by Tracey Phillipps
Harry needs our help. Will you answer the call?
Let’s get right to it.
Michael Connelly, author of the beloved Bosch series of books, announced just a few days ago that season 3 of Bosch: Legacy will be the last.
Let’s take a minute and thank him for his kind comments at the end of his statement…
But I have to say, the most important part of this was the avalanche of viewers who supported us from episode 1 through 98. Many thanks to all of you. If our work has left any message or impression behind, we hope it’s that everybody counts or nobody counts.
You have to admit, it’s nice to be recognized as fans and the impact viewers really do have on television shows and their characters. Thank you, Michael. (Can I call you Michael?)
Normally, this is the part of the article…
That discusses who and what Bosch is, some plot points, and perhaps a few compelling reasons why new viewers should either watch the show or lend their support to “save” it.
I’m skipping all that.
If you’re here, reading this, you already know about Connelly, and Bosch, and Titus, and Everybody Counts…. The story, the show, the characters – it’s all FANTASTIC. I don’t need to explain that to you. (If you’re reading this without knowing anything about the book or shows – thanks for stopping by… Get on Amazon, order a few books, and start watching Bosch from the beginning!)
So, let’s get to why we are here…

We Need To Change The Narrative!
Reportedly, all those wonderful cast, crew, and creatives had already finished filming the 3rd season of Bosch: Legacy when they found out it would be the last.
You know how television goes… The end of a season isn’t really always “the end” – it’s more of a To Be Continued…
Well, without knowing it would be the end – Those amazing folks responsible for bringing Bosch to life weren’t able to wrap it up like a complete show should be. It sucks for all of them… and it sucks for fans of the show.
So, What Can You Do?
Like many shows that have a rabid fan base, there are some efforts to grab the attention of Amazon/Amazon Studios/Freevee/Prime Video and get them to reconsider and allow a proper send-off.
Step One: Sign (and share) the petition! Just over 1,100 fans have signed in support of getting one more shot at finalizing the Bosch storyline so far. So, virtually knock on Amazon’s door and add your name and let’s get that number higher!
Step Two: Everyone knows the power of social media. Post, tweet (what are tweets called now that it’s X?), spread some love on TikTok or wherever you hang out virtually and SHARE YOUR LOVE of Bosch! Check out and join the movement on Facebook or on X!
NOTE: Keep your comments positive. Don’t be negative, don’t attack the network or their executives. Sure, you’re angry… you’re allowed to be and you’re allowed to say you are – but if you want them to consider anything at all… do it with respect.
Step Three: Watch more! Start at the beginning. Continue to increase minutes watched!
Step Four: Call your Mom, brother, uncle, neighbor, or even just strike up a conversation with a nice stranger at your local coffee shop and tell them to give Bosch a shot!
Let’s Be Honest For A Moment
The executives behind the decision to end the show aren’t evil villains. The truth is – it’s a financial decision to continue or cancel a show.
Sometimes folks don’t realize that it takes HUNDREDS of people outside of the actors to bring a show to life. Guess what? That costs money. And the longer a show is on the air – the more expensive it is to make.
If you want to see Bosch: Legacy get one more episode, or a movie, or something similar to appropriately finish the story… IT HAS TO MAKE FINANCIAL SENSE TO THE BIG BOSSES THAT MAKE THESE CHOICES.
So, don’t just beg them for another chance. Show them that there’s a financial incentive to giving it one more go. We need to get some new people watching and more overall minutes watched.

Put on your Financial Analyst hat for a moment!
Let’s say there are only 100,000 people that continue to watch Bosch. Sure, that’s well below the accurate number, but let’s work with that one for a minute.
100,000 people that subscribe to or watch Prime Video. 100,000 people that likely order one or two things MINIMUM every month from Amazon. Now let’s assume their 200,000 orders translate to just $1.50 in profit each to Amazon. Now we’re talking about $300,000 a month or just over 3.5 million in yearly profit just from little ol’ us.
That’s not enough to cover the cost to finish this out correctly.
But what if those same 200,000 orders are shifted to another retailer? Now, they’d miss out on 3 1/2 million AND their competitors add that dollar amount to their bottom line. So now, it’s more than a $7M swing.
Now, take those 100,000 viewers again and let’s talk about subscription and ad revenue. Your prime membership and minutes viewed all equate to dollar signs… I’m not saying cancel Amazon or go watch another streaming service… I want you to understand your value as a subscriber and a fan. Use that value to share the message that this show needs one more shot, ADDING OVERALL VALUE AND PROFIT TO THEIR BOTTOM LINE.
Your voice, signature, and your eyeballs on the TV. They matter and they’re worth a lot.
Use them.
Bosch never gives up, and neither should you.
And, Finally, A Quick Note to the Decision Makers at Amazon…
THANK YOU for your investment in this show. Thank you for giving us a total of 98 episodes of some variation of Bosch. It’s truly been a great ride.
I want to point out how important one Bosch-ism is to people around the world.
Everybody counts or nobody counts.
We’d like to see a proper send-off for this show.
So, Amazon, we all count, right?
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