Test your memory of FROM season 3 episode 5 ‘The Light of Day’.
How much do you recall about the fifth episode of FROM season 3? Find out with our trivia quiz for episode 5.
Jade and Kenny help Kristi get home to the clinic. The town prepares to meet in the diner to hear what Tabitha has to say about her recent travels. Jade is not interested in the meeting. He wants to go to the bottle tree.
Randall has suffered a ghastly wound. He is livid with Boyd for leaving him to the monsters. Victor and Sara need supplies to continue their journey to get Jasper. Their plans are interrupted when Victor learns that his father returned to the town with Tabitha. Henry and Victor have a heartfelt reunion.
Take the quiz by making your selection for each question. Share your results to let us know how you did! You can also find trivia for seasons 1 and 2.
Stay tuned for FROM season 3 episode 6 coming on October 26.
Congratulations! Victor wants to give you a hug!
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Credit: Chris Reardon/MGM
Copyright: © 2024 MGMPlus Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved. MGM is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Lion Corp. FROM © 2022-2024 MGMPlus Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved.[/caption]
Better try again. Ellis is really frustrated with your results.
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Credit: Chris Reardon/MGM
Copyright: © 2024 MGMPlus Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved. MGM is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Lion Corp. FROM © 2022-2024 MGMPlus Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved.[/caption]
#1. What decade of clothes did Elgin and Julie try on?
#2. Elgin thinks his grandma would say the “kimono lady” is _________ .
#3. What is the lampshade next to Victor’s bed decorated with?
#4. Elgin almost hits Julie with a ___________ .
#5. Who holds Randall down on the sofa?
#6. What best describes which wall of the pool Dale was stuck in?
#7. What does Henry regret about his appearance for meeting Victor?
#8. Who brings Randall inside Colony House?
#9. True or False: Kristi has multiple fractures in her foot.
#10. Freebie: Who has the messiest hair?
#11. What does Henry notice is missing?
#12. How many bottles does Jim say he removed from the tree?
#13. Jade mentions __________ that are finally starting to connect.
#14. What four numbers does Jade read from a bottle paper?
#15. Sara tells Victor he is not being _________ .
#16. Jade tells Ethan that any meeting with more than ______ people is useless.
#17. Bakta tells Boyd about her __________ .
#18. Where are Dale and the others taking the food gathered at the lake?
#19. Boyd says the tree is not a magic ________.
#20. What does Dale call Donna in the meeting?
In case you missed it:
FROM: Trivia quiz for season 3 episode 4 – So Many Shows!
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