A meeting with Curtis and Madani
At a meeting called together by Curtis, Frank finds out that Madani has been being followed by Pilgrim. And that Billy visited Curtis.
Frank tells Curtis and Madani he will take down Billy.
Billy Russo
Making friends
After getting out of the shower (sadly one cannot see anything), he overhears Krista having a therapy meeting with a veteran named Jake Nelson.
After the meeting, and she leaves, he decides to take a trip to the bar to find Jake and he does… And the two hit it off immediately.
Billy immediately becomes friends with all of Jake’s veteran friends. All who go to Curtis’s meetings.
Helping out a fellow veteran
At one of his many meeting swith Jake and his friends, one of them, Jimbo gets his car towed. And is hysterical because everything he own is in the car.
Billy decides they will help him get his car back.
Leaping into action
Following the path of the tow truck, they stop it. And undo Jimbos car. As Billy beats up the driver, the others have to pull him off and tell him to stop.
Afterwards they tell Jimbo to get out of town. Head to Texas and change his plates.
The rest and Billy decide they would become a crew and do things their way.
Visiting an old friend
Scaring Curtis in a parking garage, Billy holds him at gunpoint and tells him he’s sorry for shooting him. But he will never go back inside.
He also asks him who did that to his face. Curtis lies and says he doesn’t know. Billy finally calms down and, as he’s leaving, tells Curtis he wouldn’t of ever hurt him.
Life with Krista
After returning back to Krista’s apartment after being out with the boys, he accidentally she’s her changing. Which starts a sexual interest///
She gets mad at Billy for leaving, because he could get killed.
After a few yelling matches her and Billy end up kissing. Though it’s odd, I think they make a good couple. They’re both a bit off.
Curtis Hoyle
Enjoying Life
We find out he’s living in a hotel room with his girlfriend. She thinks it’s because of work being done, but I believe it’s because of Billy.
Doing good
As one of the most caring people in the world and definitely this show – It’s no surprise as Curtis holds a soup kitchen for the vets, and even gives Jimbo a pair of glasses.
News from Jimbo
It would seem Jimbo didn’t get too far before being found by police.
But it doesn’t seem like he was arrested. Just got his car taken. He also tells Curtis about what Jake and the others did. And that a guy named Billy was part of Jake’s posse.
Which is when he decides to pull in Madani and Frank and tell them what he learned. And about his visit…
Agent Dinah Madani
Dealing with Mahone
Kicking Frank and Amy out of her apartment didn’t help matters much for Madani
Not only is she having nightly nightmares about Billy, but is constantly getting visits by Mahone – who basically tells her if she does anything more to impede on the Billy case she will be arrested.
Being followed
Along with everything else, she gets followed by Pilgrim.
Who, after following her from her favorite coffee place, asks her where Frank and Amy are. In which she says nothing.
He also tells her he will find her again.
Getting evidence
Running back to the diner, she tells all staff to stop and brings all the dish-ware to an eager new forensic lab scientist at homeland.
But, sadly, nothing turns up
Called to a meeting
Pissed off Madani goes to see Curtis and finds out Frank’s there which pisses her off more.
And shows Frank the picture or the guy following her.
She then gets even more annoyed, when Frank and Curtis decide to kill Billy. Though Frank does ask her if that’s ok… And the episode ends before she can answer.
No matter the nasty words they share, I still think there’s chemistry between her and Frank.
At home
We see a different side of Pilgrim. The first scene is him lashing himself in repent for his actions.
We see him sitting by his wife’s bed, who we find out has gotten worse and is dying.
I feel if he really cared he wouldn’t leave and do the Shultzes’ nasty work. But maybe he’s worried about what they’ll do to his family?
In New York
We see him annoyed at a diner, hating being in the city.
But that’s where he finds and follows Dinah
He also later shoots Poloznev.
My Final Thoughts
1. Madani and Frank need to end up together. They have so much chemistry
2. Pilgrim isn’t the most exciting character, though I feel bad for his wife and sons.
3. I like the growing father/daughter relationship between Frank and Amy
4. I think this season is kick ass and I can’t get enough of it
The Punisher can be watched on Netflix – Don’t wait!
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