The headache of parenthood never ends
After patrol duty, Frank comes home to find Amy surrounded by a bunch of delivered items. Even one for him… But that doesn’t stop him from being pissed about her stealing Madanis card.
Well, until he sees she got sausage and mushroom pizza from Lombardi’s.
As he’s eating the pizza he gets a call from Turk (Who is tied up being forced to call), who tells him that him that he will have to make the deal with Konchevsky, and that they will be doing it at Turks house.
Both him and Amy know it’s a trap. Especially after Amy tells Frank she thinks Konchevsky is dead because the ones that came after her weren’t Russian.
But in typical Frank Castle – fashion he goes anyway.
Back to the Gym

Though I would love to watch Frank Castle work out, especially shirtless, he’s not there for that.
He beats up everyone to a bloody pulp except the head – who tells him that it was Nikolai Poloznev, who paid for the pictures.
After knocking him out, Frank and Turk leave. As they’re leaving, Turk tells him he never wants to see him again and Frank says the feeling is mutual.
Time to get the girl and go
Going back to Madanis place… He tells Amy that it’s not Konchevskys men that are the enemy… it’s Nikolai Poloznev. Who also went after Konchevsky’s people.
Later they’re walking down the street and he tells Amy that Curtis has a place for them.
Developing photos
With new information at hand, Frank and Amy go to a photo studio that’s for taking pictures with young girls.
Frank quickly attacks the guy and tells Amy to go develop the photo. As she’s doing that the sicko tries to use a gun on Frank that he easily grabs and beats the guy with.
Once Amy’s done, Frank is ready to kill the guy, which I’m cheering for. Amy talks him down and instead they burn the place the ground.
Information and memories
With her conning skills Amy finds out that Poloznev goes to breakfast at the same place at the same time every morning.
After watching Poloznev and his family go into the restaurant, they go to Poloznev’s daughter’s school.
As they’re sitting there, Amy complains about the school. And asks if Frank would send Lisa there and how old she would be.
He tells her he doesn’t think about… that just about Lisa – Which Amy is happy about.
We see him take a bit to come up with Lisa’s age, which you can tell is hurting him. But he finally recalls she would be 15 by now.
It makes one wonder if he did get some brain damage from everything. Or time really stopped for him two years ago and he can’t even fathom the future.
At the trailer that Curtis let them use. Amy tells him she wants a gun to protect herself. He tells her if she can get the gun out of his hand she can have it. Which, of course, she can’t.
He than teaches her how and tells her that if someone is after her, don’t hesitate just shoot.
But the moment ends, as she mentions he must have been a good parent. She asks if he ever taught Lisa those skills.
He ignores the comment and tells her that he will always call her name when coming towards the trailer. And, if someone doesn’t, to use the shotgun without hesitation.
I wonder if Amy is trying to push his buttons, or is really genuinely interested. I think she is also starting to see Frank as a dad she never had.
And in moments like when he was teaching her to get the gun, I feel he also might be seeing her as his kid.
Plan put into motion.
As Frank beats up Poloznev’s limo people while he’s inside the restaurant eating with his family.
Amy pretends to be a waitress and hands Poloznev a menu with the picture of the two men kissing.
Amy quickly leaves and with a few twerks of her uniform (she looks like one of the private school kids and blends in with the other girls), walking right past Poloznev’s men.
After telling his family he will be back, Poloznev goes to his limo. But finds out too late that his driver is Frank.
At the loading docks
Taking him to the loading docks, Frank takes him inside a warehouse.
Where he finds out that Poloznev thought he killedKonchevsky, and when he finds out that’s not true, tells Frank they both have the same enemy.
Anderson and Eliza Shultz – Who own businesses all across America and see business taking over the government with their son David as the president.
Poloznev was planning to use the photos to black mail David with the picture of him kissing another man. He wants to use him as a puppet leader – If his orientation doesn’t bring him down first.
I love how when Poloznev mentioned David liking men, Frank said “so what”. It made me love him and the show so much more. Until now, gay people haven’t even been mentioned. Thus had no idea how Frank felt towards it. It’s nice to know he doesn’t care if someone is gay or not.
Originally, Frank is going to kill Poloznev, but decides not to, for Poloznev’s wife and daughter.
Back at home
Amy tells Frank that Poloznev wasn’t lying – the Shultzes ARE slowly buying out Congress. They’re making Alt-right pages spreading lies and how everything they’re doing is legal.
She blames all of that for her friends dying. But Frank tells her it’s a consequence of running a blackmailing scheme.
After a fight, Amy almost leaves, but Frank talks her into staying.
That’s when she once again shows how young she really is and how she’s still learning the world. She asks Frank if he would go back and change things if he could. Like she wants to with her friends.
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