Before we get into the preview for this week’s Vikings episode, “Valhalla Can Wait,” let’s take a moment to appreciate Lagertha’s (Katheryn Winnick) run on the show. As one of the original cast members, it was difficult to let her go. However, it stung a little less because they honored her so well in last […]
Marco Ilso
‘Vikings’ Recap: Episode “The Ice Maiden”
This week’s Vikings recap of “The Ice Maiden” had us in tears. It pays homage to one of the most important characters, Lagertha’s (Katheryn Winnick). As one of the original cast members, her send-off is perhaps almost as emotional as Ragnar’s was. The majority of the episode focuses on everyone’s touching farewells, and we loved […]
‘Vikings’ Preview: “The Ice Maiden”
We are still reeling from the significant loss of a critical character from last week as we watch the preview for the next Vikings episode, “The Ice Maiden.” Our beloved Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) has entered the halls of Valhalla. Even though the famous shield-maiden was able to protect the villagers from White Hair (Kieran O’Reilly) […]
‘Vikings’ Recap: Episode “Death and the Serpent”
Holy Odin! This week’s Vikings recap of episode “Death and The Serpent” has so many intense moments that it warrants an actual warning before we proceed. **SPOILERS** Now let’s get right into it! King Olaf’s Kingdom Last week, elections had just begun with King Olaf (Steven Berkoff) and King Harald (Peter Franzén) placing their votes […]
‘Vikings’ Preview: “Death and The Serpent”
Before we get into this week’s ‘Vikings’ preview, let’s quickly review what you might have missed! Last week, Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) prepared for another attack with Gunnhild’s (Ragga Ragnars) help. Meanwhile, elections for the King of Norway began with the arrival of the Kings and Earls. In Kiev, Prince Oleg (Danila Kozlovsky) surprised Ivar (Alex […]