What a way to cap off the Vikings mid-season finale! We are still picking up our jaws from the episode. If you need to catch up on last week, do that before continuing. Also, if you haven’t yet watched the mid-season finale, here is your warning! *SPOILER ALERT* Kiev Ivar (Alex Høgh Andersen) asks if […]
‘Vikings’ Mid-Season Finale Preview: “The Best Laid Plans”
The mid-season finale of Vikings is here! So much has happened since we started this season. As of last week, King Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig) not only took on a second wife, but he swallowed his pride and extended his hand to King Harald (Peter Franzén.) The Rus army is coming to Scandinavia, and if they […]
‘Vikings’ Recap: Episode “Resurrection”
Last week, the Lothbrok sons all went their separate ways, each following their paths. We can only hope that the Gods somehow bring them together again. Let’s get started with our Vikings recap of episode “Resurrection!” Iceland The settlers celebrate the arrival of Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith) and Torvi (Georgia Hirst). As they eat and […]
‘Vikings’ Preview: “Resurrection”
The mid-season finale is almost here! Last week, King Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig) confronted his mother’s killer by not giving Hvitserk (Marco Ilsø) what he wanted. He then had to prepare for the possibility that King Harald (Peter Franzén) will come after him and Kattegat. Meanwhile, Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith) and Torvi (Georgia Hirst) embark on […]
‘Vikings’ Recap: Episode “Valhalla Can Wait”
In this week’s Vikings recap of “Valhalla Can Wait,” King Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig) is still struggling after his mother’s funeral. Now that she is gone, everyone is back to trying to find their place in the harsh winter. Let’s see how they do this week! Kattegat Hvitserk (Marco Ilsø) is chained and brought to King […]