Abigail, Raelle, and Tally prepare to go to a High Atlantic wedding, in hopes of increasing their odds for War College. Scylla gets a message from the Spree that she needs to be at the wedding to bring Raelle to them by 6 that evening or her future is bleak. At the wedding, Scylla shows […]
Jessica Sutton
‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ recap “Hail Beltane”
After trying to save Porter, Raelle reveals that Porter might not have willingly jumped. She had absorbed some of his feelings and says he didn’t want to die. Some immediately suspect the Spree, but General Adler wants to wake Porter to be sure. Scylla should be getting nervous. Waking Porter means she’ll be found out. Abigail’s […]
‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ recap “A Biddy’s Life”
The boys are in Salem! They there to bring a certain energy to the camp, something to make the witches better. To cheer the witches up after a Spree attack, they will partake in Beltane, meaning they get to get close to the boys. Tally, Abigail, and Raelle immediately partake. One of the boys, Porter, […]
‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ recap “My Witches”
The top 5 highest-ranking units get a prize. They get to go to a pageant and take some time off base. Will Raelle behave long enough to help her team move up the ranks? Madam President Kelly visits Fort Salem for an update on the Spree. General Alder needs the troops ready for battle. Anacostia […]
‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ recap “Say the Words”
Conscription Day Conscription is slavery by another name- Raelle A member of the Spree casts a spell to make 1,600 people jump to their deaths. The Spree is a dangerous group hellbent on war with the humans. Raelle, Abagail and Tally all head off to Salem where they will go through basic training to prepare […]