Abigail, Raelle, and Tally prepare to go to a High Atlantic wedding, in hopes of increasing their odds for War College.
Scylla gets a message from the Spree that she needs to be at the wedding to bring Raelle to them by 6 that evening or her future is bleak.
At the wedding, Scylla shows up uninvited, masked as a waitress. Abigail is not pleased as she is under a ton of family pressure. Anacostia catches Scylla and warns her to end her relationship with Raelle sooner rather than later.
The first part of the wedding was beautiful and everyone is having a good time, except for Abigail. She’s a shoo-in for War College because she’s a Bellweather.
Bad news for Tally, Gerit’s engaged. All the betrothed men wear a sash. He wants to be with her and they even exchange I Love You’s. Tally is rightly devastated at the news and hides in the bathroom crying. While there, she witnesses Scylla take a message from the Spree.
With emotions still running high, Raelle confronts Abigail’s mother who acknowledges that Raelle’s mother was one of the brightest and strongest witches she knew. Scylla tries to distract Raelle and take her to the Spree but time runs out.
Tally tells Anacostia her suspicions as Abigail goes to check on the bride, who is dead in the bathroom. Two waiters killed her and try to kill Abigail too. Abigail’s mother comes to her rescue and together they fend off the intruders. Meanwhile, a flock of balloons attempt to float onto the property. Luckily the Spree leave and no one else is killed.
But where did Scylla go?
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