Conscription Day
Conscription is slavery by another name- Raelle
A member of the Spree casts a spell to make 1,600 people jump to their deaths. The Spree is a dangerous group hellbent on war with the humans.
Raelle, Abagail and Tally all head off to Salem where they will go through basic training to prepare to fight the Spree.

General Sarah Alder greets them with the history of the witches’ agreement to protect and serve as a part of the U.S. military. Tally is eager to serve along with the rest of the recruits, Abigail is honored to serve and Raelle hasn’t made up her mind.
The girls bond over their lineage and their reasons for serving.
During their first day, Raelle sneaks out to explore. She runs into Scylla and both get in trouble. Scylla is a Necro and a bad influence.

Raelle reports to Drill Sergeant Anacostia who chalks it up to first-week reluctance and gives her a warning. Abigail, however, won’t let it fly. She cries to Alder to be reassigned and Alder denies her request with an anecdote about a soldier who was just like Raelle. Tally
Raelle misbehaves again, landing in the infirmary. While there, she reads a letter from her mother about how Abigail’s mother is responsible for her mother’s death. This motivates her to get out of bed and spar with Abigail.
Scylla gets through to Raelle by suggesting she let them train her so she can become powerful, thus sparking a new soldier. I used spark correctly because Scylla is a Spree. I did not see that coming.

We are off to a bit of a slow start. I’m digging what this show is about though. It’s very unique and interesting. The thing with this show is that I want to know more and I hope the show picks up the pace. It seems to be already because that ending was lit, just like a Spree changing form. A few questions: was Scylla ever a real witch, how’d a Spree get into basic training and what is going on?
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