The Punisher Season 2: Episodes 1 and 2
The Punisher is back! After the long wait we finally have more of this critically acclaimed show – and we get Frank Castle kicking ass from the beginning.
Now, I know most people are reviewing the whole show, but I’m going to break it down into episodes.
Let’s start with the first 2 episodes… shall we?
Frank Castle
In the first episode “Roadhouse Blues” and the second episode “Fight or Flight” we see Frank Castle hanging out in a bar listening to a country band in good ole Michigan.
At the beginning of Ep.1, we see Frank at Lorna’s bar. This is were we also first meet Amy Bendix who’s going by the name Rachel at the moment (played by Giorgia Whigham). While there, he defends a bar maid, Beth Queens, from a drunk customer. She tells him that she doesn’t need protecting or her honor defended in which Frank just does his normal smile.
Who can resist that smile?
Not Beth.
Later on, he goes home with her where he tells her that his name is Peter, but we know better.
After a round, or two, or maybe three of sex, Frank decides to be honest and tells her his real name.
His family comes back to haunt him…
As they sleep Frank dreams of his wife and children again. We see he is still not over them.
The next morning when he’s leaving he runs into Beth’s nine year old son, Rex – and the three of them go for pancakes.
A little downtime

While at breakfast, Rex told Frank, aka Pete, that he plays hockey and we learn Frank Jr. played as well.
Rex also asks if they had sex and that he learned about it on the internet, but he would rather play hockey. He also asks Pete to come around more.
A little less romance
As much as I would love to see Frank happy. I hope a love story doesn’t blossom too heavily.
Saying goodbye
Afterwards, she drops him back off at the motel. She drops a hint that she would like him to come back by saying the band is back.
As he’s going in, he once again runs into Amy who is running out of another hotel room. Shrugging it off he starts to leave town, but decides to turn around and go see Beth. At least one more time.
The guns come out
As is sometimes usual, things don’t go as planned.
As he’s sitting there watching the band he notices men coming in and notices them chase Amy into the bathroom. When he finally breaks past the guard in-front of the bathroom, he sees a group of men and woman trying to kill Amy.
All hell breaks loose as Castle fights and kills them.
Until this moment I had no idea Frank would fight and definitely didn’t think he would kill a woman.
Frank’s not leaving alone
After talking Amy into going with him… He tries to sneak her out of the bar, but more assassins come in and attack. Which, in the end, leaves the assassins and the bar’s bouncer Ringo (played by Avery Mason) dead. And, Beth… Well, Beth is shot.
Frank quickly wraps the wound and gets her to a hospital. They’ve got to leave town.
A Trip to the past
This is almost a call back to when Madani was shot in the head and he wouldn’t leave until he knew she was taken care of. He could have just left Beth, but he took the risk of being caught again.
The trip continues
And head into Ohio. Where they get a room. To keep Rachel from running so he can get answers and keep her safe, he ties her to the bed and tapes her mouth shut.
But not before she helps him take a bullet out of his behind. (Which I loved watching Jon Bernthal stand there with his pants down.)
Frank needs another room

While they are there, Frank goes to and talks to the night lady, Debbie (played by Ashley August), about renting a double room and she charges him $69, just in case a couple comes to stay. Frank puts the money down and leaves. Where the heck is this man getting his cash???
More shooting
More assassins arrive – and the only one who survives is one named Marlene (played by Teri Reeves). Another love interest for Castle, hard to say.
As Rachel tries to run they are stopped by the police who arrest and book all three of them. Frank tries calling Madani for his one call, who tells him he’s on his own.
Frank, who’s still going by Pete, tells the Sheriff Holden (played by Joe Holt) that keeping them there is going make his whole team in danger, but he doesn’t listen.
Billy Russo
Back in New York, Billy is in the hospital – Guarded by guards and tied up – with a mask covering his face.
We also see agent Madani who is visiting him twice a day. As she doesn’t believe that Russo has lost his memories and is just playing everyone. It’s also apparent that she’s obsessed with Russo. Which Rafi tries to talk her out of.
Back to Billy
Who is having nightmares about his face being smashed in, but apparently doesn’t remember who did it and why. Or shooting Madani.
He is also regularly seeing a therapist named Krista Dumont (Floriana Lima) who is trying to help him get his memories back. They try by calling his memories “puzzle pieces” that they are putting together.
Amy Bendix
In episode one we see her call a man on the phone, who is being tortured, and telling him that she has the photos and where to find her. She also mentions how she was part of a group and their all dead.
Which is the reason they found her.
John Pilgrim
We see John Pilgrim (played by Josh Stewart) show up at the bar after all is said and done and finds Frank’s ring.
He also goes to the hospital and talks to Beth, and threatens her family and friends for the name of the man at the bar, and she just says Peter, but he knows she’s lying.
He then breaks into Franks room he was in Michigan where his super hacker tries to find them. And is able to.
My thoughts
I think this is going be an awesome series. I love all the fighting. And I hope we see Castle get more “bad ass” as the series proceeds. And we don’t get a huge love story.
The Punisher Season 2 can be found on Netflix

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