We had a chance to ask the star a few questions…
You began your acting career at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater – how did that experience prepare you to later work in television?
My work in the theatere has given me an excellent acting foundation. Building charcters and understanding intention quickly allows your mind to be free for the more technical elements that on-set work requires.
I’ve described this show as a “paranormal police procedural” … Did you come into this show as more of a skeptic or a believer in supernatural ability?
I can’t say that I am a big believer of individuals having supernatural abilities but I would be the first to admit that I believe there is an unknown force in this world that is constantly around us. So by that measure I guess it’s possible.
Hackett doesn’t seem to be thrilled about breaking in a new partner, and their relationship is a bit strained as they learn one another. Which do you think will be more important to Hackett? Asante’s ability to prove himself capable as a partner or more about seeing your character have an open mind about Cassie?
Damien wants to set Hackett at ease. He sees that he deals with a lot and even though he is skeptical of Cassie’s abilities he wants to try and be a supportive partner and show Tom that his head is the right place.
We see many facets of your character in just the pilot alone… Nervous, tough, focused, skeptical, and we even see an emotional side while at the hospital. Your performance is both believable and relatable – which usually translate into television fans rooting for your character. It’s still early, but is it possible Asante could end up being a fan favorite?
I hope so! Damien echos the sentiment of the audience as he discovers more about Cassie’s world. His story arch is heartwarming and I think we will root for him and in turn root for his friendships with Tom and Cassie.
“I drink coffee, man, this is America…” a funny exchange between you and Hackett. How do you take your coffee in real life?
I drink striaght Black coffee in the morning usually with no breakfast to kick start my metabolism.
Appreciate your time, Justin – One last question for you… For the people that haven’t checked out the show yet – What’s one reason why they should?
Mystery and excitement! Every week is a new exciting mystery to discover told in ways I haven’t seen on television. It will be a thrill ride!
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