The InBetween Pilot
We had a chance to chat with Justin Cornwell from The InBetween. Our interview follows the recap and review below – don’t miss it!
The Start…
What would you do if you could communicate with ghosts and spirits? For Cassie Bedford, that isn’t a question, it is part of her daily life. In NBC’s new summer drama, The InBetween, we meet a young woman, Cassie (Harriet Dyer) who lives in Seattle, Washington. She has a gift that allows her to see the dead, sometimes the future, and allows her to even sometimes see how people died.
This gift helps her father, Detective Tom Hackett (Paul Blackthorne) in a unique way. How so? She helps him solve cases with the Seattle Police Department. Along with his new partner, a transfer from Los Angeles PD—Damien Asante (Justin Cornwell), the two of them lean on her for support with a brutal case in the show’s pilot episode.
“When did I say that?”
The show starts with Cassie in a liquor store shopping, pausing when she starts to hear someone sing a nursery rhyme. It sends her into a vision. She follows the voice on a beach until she reaches a building, inside seemingly refrigerated. There, she meets a little boy who says he can’t wake his mother. She appears to be deceased, but just before Cassie awakens, the woman’s eyelids open to reveal her eyes are gone, forcibly so. Back in the store, she realizes she’s been standing in the aisle for some time and grabs a bottle and leaves.
Creepy. Part of the reason I wanted to check out this show is that I am a fan of the show Ghost Whisperer and curious to see how it would be different. Interestingly, I feel like while the shows may be similar, this show may become more sinister overtime.
The next morning, a scene some watching might find relatable: waking up next to the empty bottle wondering why you drank so much. One addition to this equation? A child next to the couch telling you to get up. Cassie looks too young to have a daughter this age, so is it a sibling? She tells her she was talking about the missing girl, Shannon Bell.
This leads to Detective Hackett coming over to discuss the case with Cassie. To her confusion, he says the woman she saw in her dream couldn’t have been Shannon as she didn’t have a little boy.

“Asante? He comes from someplace irritating.”
We then follow Detective Hackett to the precinct where he notices Lieutenant Swanstrom (Anne-Marie Johnson) talking to his new partner, Detective Asante. His fellow officers Will and Marina tell him that he’s a Harvard graduate, was a former profiler for the FBI and did two years with the LAPD before transferring to Seattle. Hackett is clearly not amused by this addition.
He goes to speak to the Lieutenant about this decision. She tells him it was Asante’s decision to transfer here and that he specifically asked to be partnered with him. I get the impression that Hackett likes things done a certain way and from how his boss speaks to him, she is used to his antics. Why doesn’t he want a new partner so soon? Asante seems like he has plenty of experience.
Crowded House
At Cassie’s house, we see Abigail, the young girl from earlier attempting to move an object with her mind. When Cassie asks if she would like to go be with her mom, she tells her that she only cares about the new baby, Crystal and not her. So, Abigail isn’t related to her… so why is she there? Her anger seems to fuel her concentration and she moves the object in front of her. Maybe they’ve bonded over their unique abilities?
Back at the precinct, Damien, Will, and Marina discuss the case, bothered by the fact that Bell’s ex-boyfriend has an alibi for the crime despite every sign pointing it to him. Detective Hackett enters the room just as the bullpen goes nuts—they have found the body. Detective Hackett discovers the woman is missing her eyes as Cassie predicted. He calls her and asks if they can meet up later.

“You’re a psychic. Or is that not the right word anymore?”
Hackett tells Asante that he needs to trust him as they head there; Cassie has certain abilities that are helpful. But as she begins to explain what she saw in the dream, it’s clear that Asante is a skeptic. Then WHOA. Abigail comes down the stairs, singing the same song that Cassie heard in the dream and the adults don’t acknowledge her… why? BECAUSE SHE IS DEAD. Man, I should’ve seen that coming. Hackett doesn’t seem to know about her, so this is either a new occurrence or something she’s kept secret.
How did she die? Will we see soon? Is she involved somehow?
Outside, Asante admits he’s questioning the legitimacy of Cassie. He even asks how Hackett met her. He says he helped raise her, it was a foster situation and none of his business. Then, he tells him if he can’t handle how he does business, he can ask to work with someone else. Something tells me a skeptic or not, Asante isn’t going away so easily…
Bunnies May Have Been Harmed in the Making of This Scene…?
The contact Asante spoke to in the FBI tells them their MO got a hit, but he was executed over ten years ago. The only way this is possible is if it is a copycat. Out of ideas, our rocky duo heads to the morgue to learn more about the body. They learn their killer must be a professional as he cut out the woman’s eyes with no hesitation marks while she was still alive. Nasty. People are INSANE. They also found a Peter Rabbit figurine in her pocket, the same subject as the nursery rhyme that Cassie heard.
I’ll officially never look at that bunny the same again.
Detective Hackett returns home to find Cassie at his house, with his … husband? Boyfriend? Interesting. It’s not often you see a character in the spotlight, especially in power like Hackett and gay. They also have a beautiful home and I’m slightly jealous of how it is furnished. Cassie explains she’s doing laundry and taking a shower there, as the hot water is out at her place again and she has to get ready for work.
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