Going to see Jerry
Though they led us to believe it was Jerry who was in trouble, it wasn’t. It was her dad. He had passed.
Crawling into bed
Crawling Into the hospital bed with Jerry he holds her as she cries.
An earlier emotional moment
If that didn’t make you cry. An event before this where as her dads getting worse, her mom tries to call Nancy but he stops her. And tells her to let Nancy do what she needs to.
Peter does have a heart
During one of his talks with Ben, we see him actually apologize for making him sniff the vile.
And Ben accepts his apology. And they both sit in anticipation, worry and silence as they fear the worse.
Carter and Rhodes
Meeting up with Rhodes at his work. He tells him about the missing monkey.
A rush to the airport
They find out the monkey hadn’t escaped but was actually killed because it got sick on the way there
More monkeys
More infected monkeys were about to go to Texas but luckily Rhodes and Carter were able to stop it.
At Capitol Hill
Trying to convince the senate
Nancy, her husband, Peter and Ben try to get the senate to take the Ebola crisis more seriously. And to make new regulations and protocols for outbreaks.
Especially the Ebola outbreak.
Peter makes the winning plea
As the senate is about to leave without listening to anything Peter steps in.
And makes them realize they didn’t dodge a bullet. They got hit head on.
Rhodes speaks up
As they begin to leave again Rhodes pipes up and says they should listen.
I guess he finally woke up.
Telling them the cold hard truth
Nancy tells them that the fact is Ebola changes all the time. And luckily this time it was one that didn’t harm humans. But next time it will.
Finally they listen.
The Past
Meeting Rhodes and Melinda
As Carter talks with Bosa, he decides they need to stay longer, and delays their flighr without Rhodes or Melindas permission
Doing what needed to be done
Carter goes to see Bosa, who is now sick. And asks him to get rid of his body as to not spread the disease. Because it’s their custom to come and touch the bodies of the dead.
The last straw
As Bosas tent sits ablaze, Rhodes and Melinda have enough and leave. Rhodes yelling he won’t back him up.
My final thoughts
This show was amazing.
I wanted to thank the showrunners for having people show compassion towards the monkeys and not acting as if they were just objects.
After Show Special
After the last episode aired a special called: Going Viral: Beyond the Hot Zone
Now this is the real world and it is scary stuff so if anyone with anxiety problems might get upset by it please don’t continue. It’s not worth it.
From the special we learned that after the 1989 incident. Regulations were put in place and new practices made.
After that there was a 2014 outbreak there was another outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. That killed almost 13,000 people.
And due to the fact some doctors from other countries got sick. The aide to those countries wasn’t that good.
And suddenly in 2015 the Ebola just disappeared out of nowhere. That’s the scary thing about viruses especially the Ebola virus. It retreats learns and comes back stronger.
Uh Oh…
A return in 2018, in 2018 it came back. All from just one little boy getting bitten by a bat.
It’s still ongoing today. Hundreds are dying. And as the rest of the world looks away, and minds their own business, the virus is always trying to find a new home.
Another fact mentioned was deforestation has a lot to do with it. Because as it loses somewhere to live it finds somewhere new.
It was an interesting and heart wrenching documentary. Where they talked to real survivors of the Ebola virus.
And talked to the real Jerry and Nancy Jaax.
And seeing all those people die was horrific and on-top of that knowing that the few small hospitals they do have are being destroyed by rebels.
In the end, the main point I got out of it: It’s time for the world to wake up and stop living in ignorance.
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jon says
Attn: Nancy Grace. CBS’s Otis Livingston called Nancy Grace fat woman and racist!