Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector Episode 7: Requiem
This week we met Lincoln Einstein. The things that come out of Lincoln’s mouth are just amazing sometimes.
But we will get there. Let’s see what the Bone Collector, aka Peter, has been up to.
Peter and His Wife
In the last episode, we saw Danielle (Claire Coffee) follow her husband into his lair, also known as their basement. She realizes just who he is and calls him out. That was a huge mistake.
Trying to Save Her Life
Danielle realizes she’s his next victim, and after being duct-taped to a chair, she tries to rationalize with him. She reminds them of when they first met at a bar. She wanted to slap him, but after talking with him, she fell for him. He says that he wanted to kill her that night, but after chatting, he fell in love with her. She also mentions he still has good inside of him and that he shouldn’t just become “the Bone Collector” entirely.
Aww, how romantic, at least for the moment.
Not a Happy Ending
Not falling for her psychiatric tricks, he gags her and makes it clear he is going to kill her. He leaves the room, and after a few minutes of pained thought, he heads back in. He gets a knife, but instead of stabbing her, he cuts the tape and removes the gag.
Standing her up, Peter hugs his wife and then cracks her neck. Obviously, he doesn’t want to make another mistake as he did with the pictures. It looks like Peter chose to be the Bone Collector and kill all of his good side. I really wanted a reunion between Claire and Russell, who starred together in Grimm. Thanks, Peter, for ruining that.
Now for Lincoln Einstein, I mean Rhymes.
Exploding Building
After a wealthy couple, Greg and Linda Vaughn, show investors around their new building, they leave with their son, and there’s an explosion where their penthouse would’ve been.
The only clue? A voice recording from an anonymous person saying that if they don’t publicly tell everyone that they were responsible for a bunch of deaths at their building due to lack of care, he will blow something else up.
Team Lincoln
Lincoln is supposed to be doing his physical therapy but low and behold, he finds a way out of it due to his team finding a major clue.
Using a metal fragment they found at the crime scene, Lincoln figures out that the bomb maker was in a subway.
Lincoln Einstein
As Amelia heads to the subway, Kate lets them know she’s worried they won’t find the bomber in time.
Lincoln, who is uncharacteristically a lot nicer in this episode, asked: “do you know how Einstein discovered his theory of relativity”? In which he answers “by staring out the window,” basically saying that with patience and a cool head, the answer will come. Claire lets them know that he fashions himself as another Einstein, and Lincoln doesn’t deny it.
I like seeing this softer, more open side to Lincoln.
Solving the Case
After nearly getting blown up and learning from Linda that they were actually at fault, they figured out who the bomber was, but that wasn’t the end.
Helping a Heartbroken Mother
They found out that the last bomb was never going to be to kill the parents but the son. And the person with the bomb was his nanny, Alma, whose son died in a fire at one of Vaughn’s buildings. Thankfully Amelia was able to talk her down, and the Vaughn’s son was successfully saved.
The scene between these two women was intense. They made you feel for Alma but, at the same time, remembering that there was another young life she was threatening to take.

Joining The Boys Club
Amelia finally joined the boys club. After every successful case, Lincoln and Michael have a drink. Lincoln finally brings Amelia into the fold. I might be going out on a limb here, but he is starting to soften up with her. I have a feeling he is starting to like her.
Another amazing episode. Seeing this other side of Lincoln is amazing.
Final Thoughts
I hope that they continue the momentum going into the final three episodes of the season.
Here is hoping that these aren’t the last three.
Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt For The Bone Collector plays Mondays at 8/9c on NBC.
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