Big Brother 21 Week 3
Tuesday Night
We start this week right after Jack nominates Jessica and Kemi for eviction. Both women are upset but express their anger in different ways; Jessica sheds some tears and Kemi starts to plot her vengeance. In an effort to cover her own ass, Bella reveals to Nicole that she is the one that told Jack about the Black Widow alliance. Of course, Nicole runs to tell Jessica the news and she is fuming!
Meanwhile, David and Ovi are talking game in the boat room and we realize David has the entire house figured out! Including all of the alliances and showmances. This will be a very interesting game if David comes back into the fold after Camp Comeback is over.
Veto players are picked and Jessica picks Michie to play for her after he just consoled her. This clearly shows Jessica is an emotional and not logical player. Not the smartest move she could’ve made, especially since Nicole was clearly ready to play and pull her off the block.
Tyler from BB20 pops into the house to host the Veto competition and after stacking 18 frogs on his platform, Sam wins the POV and trip to Fiji! Shortly after his win, Sam gets called into the DR and is told his grandfather passed away. He chooses to stay in the house and continue to play the game. He decides to keep the nominations the same and does not use the POV.
Wednesday’s LIVE eviction
Kemi or Jessica? Who will be sent to Camp Comeback? And who will be the new HOH for next week?
Before the Live vote, we go back and find out Nicole, Cliff and Ovi decide to join forces and create an alliance called The Fellowship of the Ziiiiing! Props to Cliff on his creativity and wit on that one! Meanwhile, the whole house is FULL of showmances (Nick and Bella, Michie and Holly, Jack and Sis). And by showmances, I mean full-on hookups! Cliff has observed all of this and in one of his early morning sessions in the boat room, he spills the tea to the cameras while Christie walks by and decides to listen in. She runs back to tell Gr8ful and everyone is aware of the Fellowship of the Zing and that Cliff would be targeting the couples in the house.
As the house is deciding who they want to evict this week, Bella is talking to everyone! She cannot keep her mouth shut and tells Sam about Gr8ful and that even though he’s been voting with them, he’s not apart of the alliance. He’s definitely hurt by this news but takes it in stride.
Voting begins and the Houseguests vote 10-1 to send Kemi to Camp Comeback. Jackson Michie is the one to cast the lone “rogue” vote this week to throw some chaos into the mix.
“Power Shot” HOH Competition
Each player has an opportunity to throw a dart at a large target and whoever gets the highest score out of 100 wins! Nick throws and lands on 90 and he is our new HOH!
Sunday Night
Immediately following the HOH Comp, Bella and Kemi get into a screaming fight over the words said during Kemi’s speech on Eviction night. Their friendship is pretty much over at this point but with Nick in power, Bella is feeling mighty safe this week and doesn’t care what Kemi says to her or feels about her.
HG’s are scrambling and trying to figure out who cast the rogue vote. Nicole gets very worried and has a feeling it will get pinned on her, which eventually happens! Michie tells Jack about his rogue voting scheme and tries to continue to throw Nicole under the bus in talking with Nick. Nick picks up on his paranoia and figures out he must be covering it up. Side note: I think Nicole is playing a great game so far. She’s calm, smart and not ruffling too many feathers. She’s liked by everyone in the house and has the ability to go far if she plays her cards right.
Whacktivity Panic Competition
Analyse, Jessica, Christie and Nick compete in the last of the 3 Whacktivity competitions. They have to dig through Madagascar hissing cockroaches to decipher a message “Don’t meet Julie on eviction night!” The only one that seems to have half a brain cell working is Christie and she wins the power! This power is called the Diamond Veto. It has the ability to not only veto noms but it also comes with the ability to replace the nominees with whoever she chooses! She could definitely make some big moves with this one.
Before the nomination ceremony, Nicole goes up to HOH and tells Nick about a conversation she had with Michie the week prior. He wanted to target Bella and Nick and put that bug in her ear in case she was to win HOH. She uses this to her advantage and manages to stay off the block for another week!
Nick nominates Cliff and Jessica for eviction. I do not see him making any big moves in this game this early, especially with these weak ass nominees. Let’s see if Mr. Nick can spice up this game and get some bigger players out, but somehow I doubt it!
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