3 Big Questions…
That lead to more questions.
Last Week’s (and earlier) Questions Answered
Are Chandler’s wounds a big deal? Nope. Full strength and a new line of healing heated rocks set to hit the market any time now.
Anything new on the battleship? Not exactly. We got to see it fire one of her big guns. Being only a Navy fan and not a Navy man, I couldn’t identify the ship, nor its class from her silhouette. Was what we saw enough for anyone else out there?
What’s Tavo’s beef with the US? Still not sure, but the guy very thoroughly hates us.
Is Miller about to die? He sure did his best to try and get killed, didn’t he?
How is Kelsie connected to Tavo? She met Octavio over the Internet, fell in “love”, and made bad choices. (Not the most modern representation of women I’ve seen on TV lately, but here we are.) Her character is one that has always distrusted authority and the government. In other words, she embodies the traits many Last Ship fans despise. Perfect TLS villain.

This Week’s Questions
How did Tavo get the layout of the United States Command Center?
This can mean a couple things. First, and least dramatic, Tavo and his minions found the plans in some public archive, someone that used to work there, the architect’s brother, etc. While these explanations would work, they diminish some tension in the story and cast a pretty lousy light on the US military. Those explanations imply carelessness or arrogance and I just don’t see this show going that direction. The other, more dramatic option, involves an unknown mole. Some people had cast doubt on the army general’s allegiance after early disagreements with Chandler. With the general among the dead, I doubt that’s the case. Could the mole actually be the Marine general? we just don’t have that many characters to look at and an unknown at this late date would feel cheap
That battleship nailed its target. Shouldn’t it be a crater?
Here’s an image of Normandy as it looks today:
Those craters resulted from battleship rounds impacting the ground during the invasion of Normandy. Seventy-four years ago. Now, I know Chandler and Sasha had holed-up in what I’m sure is a very fine home made from only the finest materials and craftsmanship. But… look at those craters! I get the feeling that battleship rounds are more like “existence erasers” than “inconvenience makers”. Yes, I get it that we can’t have Chandler get picked off from 20 miles away by a battleship four episodes before the end of the series. I get that. But we were pretty much led to believe they’d scored a direct hit (You sank my casa!).
Here’s what may have happened. I have to imagine that even now, with a fully populated world, the number of people capable of loading, aiming, and firing a 16″ gun numbers to be very small. Now kill off like 90% of that and the number. Take the remainder, and with an allegiance to Gran Colombia mind you, and you may not have anyone at all. So, maybe the gunner they have, lacking any actual experience, only got the shell -close- to Chandler’s base. That would be enough to rock their world and make them need to bug out, but not knock down the building. (Still looking at those craters above, doubting this even as I write it.)
Am I reaching on this one?

Danny’s not coming home, is he?
I’ve asked before what’s up with Danny. People had various answers, including just having been fighting too long. Meanwhile, Danny team has been getting its butt kicked a little more than usual. Wolf went down early, but recovered. I’ll assume Miller’s going to live, but his life has now drastically changed. It feels like a tightening noose, and the only person left to get caught in it will be Danny. Several seasons have killed off important, main-line characters to remind the audience of the stakes involved here. Although we’ve known Danny since day one, I don’t think I could call his character any more untouchable than Rachel or Tex. The more I think about it, the more I think there won’t be a happy ending for the Greens.
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Interview with Admiral Meylan (Emerson Brooks)
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