3 Big Questions…
That lead to more questions.
Does America have any true allies in this new world?
The virus that nearly destroyed humanity took a second swipe at us this season by trying to kill all of our food. Although American efforts (I know Dr. Scott was not American, but her labs and supplies sure as heck were) saved the world from the virus the first time around, other countries apparently thought we took too long to spread the cure and lost patience with us.
We didn’t know it, but the Greeks had turned their backs on any previous pacts before the season even started by teaming up with Vellek. Sending ultimately four ships into a fight against the James would also indicate a falling out between the two nations.
The UK changed Fletcher’s assignment before we even had a chance to work on a cure. Go back and listen to Harry’s arguments. I know he said a lot of that stuff to get Fletcher fired up enough to betray his American friends (and honor his obligation to the UK), but Fletcher didn’t refute any of it. The UK, like everywhere else, had a very tough go by the sounds of it. So tough, in fact, that they’d rather steal from an ally than honor an agreement. That speaks to massive desperation on their part. If an alliance as strong as the bond America has with the UK can get broken, what can America expect from anybody else? Not much, I bet. Even with genocidal stakes are on the line, nations will still say, “what have you done for me lately?” If that’s the case, what course should America follow now that we control the cure (again)?

What happens next season?
This season’s big plot, “How do we stop the Red-Rust?” mirrored the big plot, “How do we stop the killer virus?” from season 1. If you recall, they found the cure by the end of season 1, and then spent season 2 trying to figure out how to distribute it. From tonight’s preview of next season (which is already done shooting), it looks like an all new challenge as former haves and have-nots try see how they stack up in the new world order. We’ve seen mention of a cyber-attack and a lot of Spanish-speaking bad guys (which relates to my question about allies). While I welcome a new adventure for our heroes to embark upon, I sure don’t want to see another season 3. What about you? Are you excited about what we saw in the preview?

What’s next for Chandler?
In the end, don’t we all consider this show to be Tom Chandler’s show? The show follows him more than any other character throughout its run. If the upcoming season is in fact the show’s swan song, we all need to know how our favorite American hero winds up.
By the looks of that preview, Tom sticks with the Navy and might just be the guy in charge of the whole thing. A couple more ships joined the James out at sea, so a legitimate admiralty is in order. Despite what sounds like a probable desk job, many of those clips featured Chandler back on the bridge of a navy ship. By the looks of things, Chandler heads out to sea at least one more time.
What do you think? Did you like this season? Any unanswered questions? Let me know!
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