Younger Season 6 Episode 12
I can’t believe we’ve reached the last episode of our season. I’m so sad this will be our last Younger fix for a while; but fear not, season 7 is already set for 2020. Woohoo! But back to our big event. We left Kelsey and Liza both writing heartfelt Dear John Letters to whomever; Kelsey at rock bottom and Liza trying to distance herself from Josh and her likely feelings for him. Let’s dive into our finale and see what’s in store for us.
Kelsey Says Goodbye
Kelsey invites Liza to coffee to tell her she has written Charles a resignation letter and left if on his desk. Even without a plan in place, Kelsey is determined this is the right choice for her.
Liza rushes upstairs to intercept the letter, but Kelsey rushes in and tells him she’s written her resignation letter. Kelsey thanks Charles for all the amazing opportunities he gave her, but her time at Millennial is over. Charles and Liza are left stunned Kelsey leaves with a handshake and a hug.
I completely understand why Kelsey feels it’s time to move on. She’s worked so hard to build something and it all fell apart so easily.
Check Your Ego
Kelsey is thinking of venturing out on her own to start a publishing company and asks Zane to give her pointers on her pitch. Zane’s not having any of this. He’s upset because they were doing great and she’s punishing him for the Instagram issue. He thought she was amazing for giving up her job to save the company and he wanted to be there for her, but she bailed. Kelsey can’t be in a relationship when she doesn’t know what’s next. Zane tells her if she wants more than a professional relationship, it will have to be her move. She will have to be the one to reach out.
I am on Zane’s side with this; she did bail on him. Didn’t she just promise to be honest with him and have a relationship? She’ll have to repair this if she wants more from him and I think he handled this well.
I Totes Capisce!
Diana is days away from the wedding and relying on Lauren and Liza to help with all the details. Diana and Liza meet Enzo in Queens to see what Uncle Joe has created for the wedding. Uncle Joe, the talented ice sculptor, has created a masterpiece representing their two worlds coming together. He reveals a large toilet with a trout fish jumping out of it. It’s hilarious and Diana’s is left speechless, probably trying not to have a stroke. She tells Liza, “Either you OR this ice sculpture will be at my wedding, not both, capisce?“.
Believe In Yourself
Kelsey shows up at Maggie’s apartment looking for Liza and Maggie can immediately tell she needs to talk. She explains she’s been pitching her company all over town and getting a lot of negative feedback along with glares drifting down at her bosom. Kelsey thinks she’s let her ego get in the way. Maggie suggests if Kelsey still believes in herself, then she had a believer with money and tells her to “Be a Player.”
Sleeping with the Devil
Kelsey is passionately pitching her new venture in a board room; talking about the new ways her company would be different. The camera pans around to freakin Quinn! I can’t believe she went to Quinn. We just finished with this chick a few episodes ago and here she is again. Quinn likes Kelseys’ “down but not out” attitude, and she’s ready to buy-in. Kudos to Kelsey for going after what she wants, but how can we put up with more Quinn?
I love it when Redmond is back!
Diana and Liza are meeting with Redmond and his author. The book seems inconsequential to our story except to say that Liza picks up on the authors’ idea that we have to give up our alternate, imaginary lives and live in the real world. Regardless, Redmond takes his opportunity to let the ladies know how old they are and comments he misses Kelsey’s quick instincts to say yes or no. I love it when Redmond is on the show; his sarcasm and witty banter always bring a laugh. Anytime the writers want to cameo Redmond; I’m on board.
We Need A Vacation
Liza and Charles are having lunch and discussing the work-life without Kelsey. Liza says she’s not drowning but can feel the waters rising. Charles shifts this into suggesting they take a summer vacation with each other and their daughters to Scotland. Before Liza can answer, Quinn walks in the restaurant and stops by to deliver her typical snarky comments, and hint that someone who used to work for them is now her partner.
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