The Purge Episode 8: Giving Time Is Here
Episode 8 of The Purge delivers a shocking turn of events for a favorite character.
Holy crap! I did not see this one coming, guys!
Rick, Jenna, and Lila
It’s inevitable, when you have a love triangle, chances of someone getting hurt are pretty high—add in the fact that it’s Purge Night, and you can guarantee it.
Throughout the episode, we get some flashbacks from Lila, her with her mom and dad, preparing for her “big day”. She’s in a beautiful white gown, and we’re led to believe she’s getting married, but of course that’s not the case. Her big day was actually her initiation into The Purge. For her 18th birthday, her loving parents have given her the gift that every eighteen year old woman wants (not), an old man to shoot. And Lila, although nervous, seems to take to the job very well. I guess this was supposed to show us that Lila wasn’t as against The Purge as she led Jenna to believe.

We also get a little more of Lila’s personality when the next door neighbor’s wife comes banging on Rick’s door, wanting to know what they’ve done with her husband. While Rick would rather just tell her to go back home, Lila tells her flat out that her husband is dead.
Things heat up later when Jenna finally comes to a decision and tells Lila that they’re through. Lila doesn’t take it well at all. She first resorts to bribing Rick, offers him money to make him go away so she can have Jenna all to herself. When that backfires (Rick attacks her), a desperate Lila tries to kill Rick. She’s got the gun on him, ready to shoot, but Jenna comes in and begs her not to do it. Just as Lila pulls the trigger, Jenna jabs a dagger into her (she found it in Rick’s jacket, he got it at the Stanton party). Yep, Lila is dead. Hard to believe, I really thought she’d make it through Purge Night. And surprisingly, Jenna gets over it pretty quickly. Rick, of course, is relieved for it to all be over—but hang on, what’s that sound? We’ll get back to that in a minute.
Miguel and Penelope
Our brother and sister team made it back to Pete’s Cantina. And guess what? Our friend, Joe, shows up there as well. He and Miguel get to know each other a little while Pete lets Penelope in on something—Good Leader Tavis was working for the NFFA, getting paid to find those people (like Penelope) who were considered weak, load them up on her bus, and offer them up for Purgers. Shocked at what she has learned, Penelope wants to find the bus and tell her friends the truth, and Miguel says no. But while Miguel is busy saving Pete from a crazy guy with a 3D gun he smuggled in, Penelope sneaks out. Come on, Miguel, you spend all that time trying to find your sister, now you have her, and you lose her again? No worries, though, Joe knows where Penelope is, he was watching her when she left.

Penelope finds the bus, stops it in the middle of the road, and confronts Tavis. The Good Leader denies everything, and tries to sweet talk Penelope back into the cult that’s not really a cult—but Penelope isn’t having it, she punches Tavis, but then the bus driver attacks Penelope. It’s okay, though, Joe has followed her, and he shoots Tavis and the bus driver. When Penelope wants to go back to the Cantina, Joe tells her he’s taking her somewhere safe (like he’s told all of the people he has saved), and drags her off against her will, with Miguel and Pete giving chase. I’m like, okay, Joe’s the good guy, why is he taking Penelope? And then this happens—the biggest holy crap moment in a long time—we see the inside of Joe’s truck and every single one of the people he has rescued are tied up, their mouths taped shut. Yes, Jane and Penelope included. And that’s not all–
The noise at Rick and Jenna’s house? That was Joe. He has now captured both of them, as well. Rick is lying on the ground, watching in horror as Joe drags Jenna out of their house. Whoa. This literally left me speechless. I don’t even know … I mean … wait a minute, let me pick my jaw up off the floor and then we’ll move on.
I have tons of questions, as I’m sure most everyone does. Why is Joe saving these people only to tie them up in the back of his truck? Does he think he’s keeping them safe that way? Rick and Jenna were already safe inside their home, so that doesn’t make sense. How did Joe know where all of these people were? What the heck was that app that he had on his phone? And as happy as I am to see our major characters all brought together in the end, I can’t imagine one single reasonable scenario that puts all of these people on Joe’s list, what’s the connection that they all share? Whatever it is, I sure hope the writers get this right.

So … I’m gonna say it again, all those people I know who gave up on The Purge early on, you seriously missed one of the best rides ever.
Now that we’re almost through Purge Night, I’d love to know what has been your favorite story line? Miguel and Penny? Rick, Jenn, and Lila? Jane? Joe? Please take a moment and vote for your favorite.
Only two more episodes left, and Purge night will be over. Maybe we’ll get a season 2? Who wants another season of The Purge? Me!
The Purge returns October 30, 10/9 C, on USA Network.
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