The Baker and the Beauty Episode 7: Blow Out
An episode focused on priorities, expectations, and reality, there is no secret that things got heavy and fast. Following the bakery being shut down for asbestos, Noa traveling to her father, and Daniel trying to balance his new life, this episode showcases the fallout of when things just don’t go the way you planned.
Mari on a Mission
Don’t piss off a mother as fiery as Mari Garcia. In a hilarious start to the episode, she goes chair to chair at the dinner table, solving her husband and her children’s problems, one by one. She stops at Natalie, who claims she can’t fix hers. It’s no secret that Mari is often over the top and sometimes may be a bit much for your average person. However, I think this opening scene was needed to balance the heaviest of some of the later scenes, and I appreciated it.
Don’t Punch the Reporters
We all have a person in our lives we’d love to knock out, and no one really blames Daniel for striking the overeager reporter in the last episode. But, much like I’ve said about Vanessa’s actions, we all have to live with the consequences of the digital age and our behaviors. Daniel is attempting to talk Mateo out of giving up on his dreams when there is a knock on the bakery door. There, the Miami PD arrest him for assault. Oh, Daniel. You had to know this wouldn’t end well.
Daniel ends up in the precinct, where he quickly tells his family how much is needed for bail. It is $1,000, which may seem like nothing to some, but for a family already struggling? It feels heavy. Rafael and Mari attempt to figure out a way. Their credit cards are maxed, and it seems crazy to take out a loan on something they cannot repay. Mateo suggests he pawn his recording equipment, and the family is against it. I will say it is nice that the first response from their parents is not to sell the equipment. I get that the message of this show is to be there for family, but it seems so often Mateo gives up more than he ever gets in return. It wouldn’t be fair to make him have to do that.

Day Saver
Daniel soon is let out of the cell, told someone posted his bail. I’m quite surprised to see Vanessa standing there, and so is Daniel. She admits that she convinced the reporter to drop the charges. Things are less awkward as they walk to Vanessa’s car. She’s late to a showing and plans to drop Daniel off at his house on the way. But, traffic gets in the way, and her creative driving skills to avoid it land them with several flat tires. Vanessa leaves the car with the tow truck, and the two of them decide to get lunch instead when it is clear her showing is canceled.
I’ll be honest. I ripped Vanessa apart in the last review, and she’s still not my favorite character by any means; the girl flips back and forth too often in the show for that. However, the scenes in the restaurant with Daniel definitely earned her some recovery points in my book. The two of them finally talk things out and come to an understanding about their relationship. Vanessa tells him she knows that Noa was not the reason they didn’t work out, but it sucks seeing them everywhere when she’s trying to heal.
That is understandable, and I feel her for that. Daniel seems to understand how this affected her, as well. The two of them laugh and remember some good times and seem to be on their way to maybe being friends by the end of their meal. I think any fan can be happy with that.
Natalie Garcia’s Day Off
Oh, to be the good kid that never breaks the rules or gets in trouble. Natalie Garcia knows that role, and she’s tired of it. She and Amy decide to ditch class and head to the Miami Music festival together, but not before stopping for essentials like snacks and colorful hair extensions. The bonding between these two is great. It’s clear that Amy really isn’t a bad influence for Natalie, however, makes her feel more alive.
They are having a blast throughout the day, and Amy even says those three important words to Natalie, leaving her speechless. Things are going great, and they’re about to get into the show when she finally looks at her messages and sees Daniel has been arrested. The loyalty to her family gets the better of her, and she asks Amy if she’d hate her if she wanted to head home.
Amy says she loves her more for it, and the two pull up as it begins to rain outside. Natalie tells Amy she loves her too. Not a bad day for a new rebel! These scenes were so fun to watch. I really enjoyed seeing Natalie let go and trust herself for once.

Noa on Fire
At Noa’s meeting, her subpar father proves why he’s a piece of crap. Seriously. I was hoping for a glimmer of hope from the guy, maybe something to humanize him, but honestly, he’s nothing more than a jerk who does not have her best interests at heart. He throws her under the bus during the meeting: tells the committee she’s distracted because of Daniel, has made poor decisions, and will not be focused on the business because she’s going to make a movie.
Well, first. Screw that guy. If this were a male business owner, it would never be called into question. Why can’t a woman let loose for a little bit without being told she’s lost her drive? I call bullshit. Lewis, who looks a little worse for wear as the episode goes on, confronts her father to try and make a deal. He tells him that he’s sick, and Gideon does not seem too bothered by any of it. He admits he tried to make a deal with someone else, and it is part of why he’s doing this. The two of them come to an agreement that allows Noa to keep her company.
Back in the business room, things seem to be getting better. However, Lewis collapses on the floor mid-conversation, and when he comes to, Noa is the first to greet him. He tells her the truth finally, and she’s horrified to realize she’s missed all the signs and has been too focused elsewhere instead of on Lewis. She promises that she is going to be the boss of him for a while, and this seems to somehow stick with him. I think I like him more than I expected to. Noa needs someone in her corner, and he is definitely that person.
Discussion with Gideon
Noa leaves the hospital to have dinner with her father and is impressively poised with the man even though he’s a piece of crap. Seriously. I wait for something to click or something good to happen, but it’s clear by the time he leaves, Noa is wrecked. She calls Lewis who is glad to hear from her and tells him that he’s raised her, and she sees him more as her father than she ever would him. This is such a significant scene for these two. He’s more than her manager; he’s her lifeline. I hope for both of their sakes he is okay in the finale. I can’t imagine her losing someone else.

She comes to a devastating conclusion at the end of this scene.
Rebel No More
Mari speaks to Natalie, who tries to explain herself before she’s cut off. Natalie finds out that her mother got into an argument with her mother before she died, and she never wanted that for them. She was so excited when she found out she was having a girl. Mari thought she could teach her about love, but now she feels that isn’t something she can do because Natalie is gay. However, this seems to hit home with Natalie and get through to her. Finally, maybe this is the scene that gets through to both of them.
Level up, Soup Thrower
Vanessa meets with Mateo as he continues to take apart his studio. She tells him to stop and the two bicker for a moment. He suddenly pulls her close and kisses her. Vanessa seems shocked by the kiss and storms out. On a positive note, she doesn’t throw a hot liquid at him, so there is an improvement.
Lights, Camera, Break Up
In a beautifully shot scene, Noa and Daniel meet in a glow of lights after one long, stressful day. Daniel seems thrilled to see her, but Noa is quick to admit the reason she’s there. She tells him since they’ve been together, their lives have fallen apart. His family is arguing, and her business was almost taken from her. They don’t work, even if he thinks they do. Noa breaks up with him, and he tells her that for the first time, she seems ordinary to him.
Next week marks the two-episode finale, and I have to say, I’m not too sure what will happen in it. The preview tells us that Noa wants to give it another go at Natalie’s highly anticipated party, but what happens before that? There is so much that could happen. I think this episode is so interesting because it talks so heavily without saying it directly about expectations and reality. In theory, Daniel and Noa could work. In theory, Mateo can become a successful musician. And in theory, Daniel does not need to run the bakery. But a show that is focused on the impact of family and loyalty do we let our own dreams come first?
Will the bakery open back up? What about the cafe? Will Vanessa and Mateo give it a go? What about Natalie and Amy? Can everyone make it work, so all are happy? Or is it doomed to be a tabloid story of the past?
I can’t wait to find out.
Catch the two-part finale of The Baker and the Beauty next week, Monday at 10 pm on ABC.
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