Moore is walking down a street and we see, who we now know must be John Beecham, watching from the rooftop. When a couple “girls” hit on Moore, Joseph comes to his rescue. He tells Maxie (Dominic Boyle) to keep an eye out as he brings Moore into the building. Moore asks Joseph why he’s out on the street. He tells him the cops threw them out so they had nowhere else to go. Moore gives Joseph a bunch of cash telling him to find a room in a boarding house. He tells him he does not want him working or living on the streets. I still wish Moore would take Joseph in. The boy tells Moore that his friend met someone who promised to take him away, but there was nothing wrong with his face.
Moore tells Joseph that the killer may not be a client. That he may have a job that would get him close to the boys. He suggests perhaps a charity worker, but Joseph says he wouldn’t trust them as far as he could kick them. Joseph tells Moore they just pretend to care so they can “cop a feel.” Moore then suggests a preacher or medical worker, he asks if Fatima ever said what her “Saint” did, but Joseph doesn’t know. He tells Moore that Fatima (aka Ali) said the man was nothing like his father, who he hated more than anything in the world. As this conversation is going on Beecham is watching the other boys from the roof across the street.
Kreizler is playing a sad sounding song on him piano with his left hand. He looks less disheveled which I guess is a good sign. He is calling for Cyrus, but Stevie comes to the room instead. When Kreizler asks where Cyrus is Stevie just shrugs. We then see Connor heading outside to his outhouse. As he’s relieving himself Cyrus begins creeping towards him. He is standing next to the outhouse with his knife in his hands. I know it’s awful of me to think, but I hope he manages to stab that piece of shit and we get to watch him bleed out. Cyrus is creeping up behind Connor who is oblivious in the outhouse. He is right behind him. Stab him Cyrus! Do it! Connor turns around and is startled, but instead of Cyrus standing there it’s his son Thomas. Cyrus sneaks away.
Kreizler is pacing around his bedroom in the dark. He keeps flashing back to memories of his beloved Mary. I continue to ache for him, he must be in so much pain. When he remembers them kissing he grabs his injured arm and screams, a deep guttural scream, into his mirror. The hurt and rage he feels is overwhelming.
A Friend
The Isaacsons are outside a classroom where a young lady is teaching English. It turns out this is the girl, Ellie Leshka (Lily Lesser), that Beecham was accused of visiting when she was 12. Now at 18 she explains to the brothers that she had told her parents that he was her friend, and just that, a friend. Marcus asks if he ever touched her and she says “not once” and that she told her parents the same. Her parent filed a complaint anyway. Lucius asks her what they talked about and she tells him “how much I hated my parents”. Marcus asks her why she thinks a grown man would friend a 12 year old girl. She thinks he needed someone to talk to, that he didn’t have many friends.
The Countdown
June 8
The Isaacsons are going door to door trying to find information on Beecham. Moore is talking to children on the street. As they are hunting for him, Beecham is pulling himself up on a stonewall. Exercising? Practicing Climbing?
June 9
They continue their door to door hunt for the man. Moore is showing a sketch of Beecham to kids asking if they have ever seen him. Beecham is using what look like meat hooks in the ceiling to do pull ups, this man is extremely strong.
June 10
As night falls Moore continues his questioning of boys in the street. Back at his house Kreizler is looking at a picture of himself as a boy with his parents. He asks in German “Was I too loud Papi?” then again in German he says “You were right…I’m just a little imposter.” Was it his father that injured his arm? Was he jealous of his talent on the piano? Kreizler raises his glass of whine to the picture and cheers it in German. He then downs the drink and I jump as he smashes the glass on the table. I gasp out loud when he stabs the shattered end of the glass into his bad arm. Does he have no feeling in it at all? If that wasn’t enough he then pulls the glass out and starts pounding on his arm.
June 11
Moore asks if they think The Feast of St Barnabas has meaning for Beecham. Sara says everything has meaning for him. Marcus concludes whatever he does for work it lets him befriend the boys. He tells them they should keep talking to charity workers and church volunteers. Sara tells him the boys would have contempt for charity workers. Moore realizes that Ali hated his father, Ellie hated her parents and Giorgio was beaten by his father. Beecham’s childhood was similar with beatings, poverty and hating his parents. The boys trust him because he understands them. They then realize that there is also a gambling connection, both Ali and Giorgio’s fathers were gamblers.
Getting Closer
The group heads to a rooftop cock fight to talk to a man who “collects” gambling debts. The first man he sent to collect from Ali’s father came back with a broken nose, so he sent a bigger guy. When asked the man’s name all he knew was “John” and that he had something wrong with his face. The man doesn’t know where John lives but knows where he hangs out.

Moore and Marcus go into a very rough looking bar while Lucius and Sara wait outside. Marcus tells the barman he wants information about a customer and the barman tells him to get out. Moore pulls out some cash and says “John Beecham”. When the barman looks confused by the name Marcus tells him a tall guy with a facial tic. The barman gets a look of fear in his eyes. This guy is no little guy, he looks pretty tough, for him to be scared of Beecham says a lot. He tells them where to find Beecham and warns them he is no man to cross.
The Bathhouse
As the group make their way to Beecham’s apartment we see Joseph and Maxie are at a bathhouse that is about to close. As Joseph takes one last swim Maxie leaves to change into his clothes. Back at the apartment Marcus manages to pick the lock and they enter Beecham’s place. In the bathhouse the boys are leaving when Maxie tells Joseph he is meeting someone and sneaks away. At Beecham’s Sara finds an 1896 calendar with the dates the boys have been killed circled with an X through them. June 11 is circled with an X already and Sara thinks they may be too late.
As Joseph and his friends leave the bathhouse he tells them “beers and smokes are on me”. When he checks his pockets for the money Moore gave him he realizes Maxie took it. He heads back into the bathhouse looking for him. Maxie is sitting by the water counting the money he stole from Joseph. He hears noises coming from somewhere in the bathhouse, he calls out “is that you?”
So Many Eyes
At Beecham’s apartment Moore finds pictures hidden in a book. They are the pictures that Reverend Dury had brought back of people slaughtered by Indians. In the bathhouse Maxie begins to leave when Beecham comes repealing down from the ceiling. Marcus is searching under Beecham’s bed when he spots something. As he struggles to reach it Sara finds a box containing a heart. Marcus pulls a jar out from under the bed. The jar is full of eyes…far more eyes then those of the known victims. Sara asks how many have there been. From the look of the jar probably close to a dozen.
Another Holy Day, Another Death
As Joseph enters the bathhouse looking for Maxie we hear a slicing sound. All we see is Maxie’s feet and lower legs sticking out from around a corner in a pool of blood. We can also see the lower part of the killer next to the boy. It appears that both Maxie and Beecham are naked. Joseph starts running in fear. Get out of the building Joseph! As he runs away he ducks into one of the changing cabinets. Why? Beecham wasn’t chasing him, why didn’t he run out of the building? Beecham is still slicing up the body when Joseph loudly slams the cabinet door. Why Joseph Why?
Joseph is in the cabinet, terrified, breathing so loudly it must be echoing around the bathhouse. Beecham makes his way through the changing room dragging the blood soaked body of Maxie behind him. Joseph peeks under the door as Maxie’s naked body is dragged past his hiding spot. Is the killer going to ignore him? Now that he’s killed is he satisfied for the time being and doesn’t need to go after Joseph? As Beecham drags the body further away Joseph struggles not to cry out. Suddenly Beecham stops, did he hear the boy? As Joseph cowers in the corner of the changing stall the door suddenly opens…and we fade to black.
Please don’t let Beecham kill Joseph! Is it even Beecham that opened the door? Did someone else come into the bathhouse? I’m grasping at straws here because I don’t want him to kill Joseph. And what about Kreizler? Has Mary’s death pushed him completely over the edge? Will we ever find out what happened to his arm? What about Connor – will he ever pay for what he did to Mary? Will John Beecham finally be caught? Next week is the final episode with so many questions to answer. I need this week to go quickly so I can learn the answers to these questions and see how it all ends.
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