Hondo’s dad is found and brought down the station. He can clearly see that Hondo is worked up about something so he asks. Hondo tells him what’s going on and he insists on going into the neighborhoods to help. Hondo tells him that he can’t do his job if he’s just worried about him the whole time.
“It is my turn to take care of this community.” – Hondo
After following up on the location they found, Jess tracks down the caller and what kind of equipment was used to make the call. Turns out the FBI agent that was so helpful earlier, is the one that made the call to 911 about Baty! WTF! Jess wants answers, now.
He made the call because his supervisors didn’t take the threats seriously the first time. So, he faked the call and used SWAT to get into Baty’s house to expose him and his plans. Hicks isn’t happy about this either. Seems like the Agent did it for the greater good, still bad news though.
Back for Revenge
Mumford and Rocker step in for Street being MIA. Hondo asks Chris where Street really is and finds out that he lied to him. Street gets to his mom and calms her down. Turns out it is his uncle…dun dun duuuun. The plot thickens.
Streets uncle and mom are getting into it behind the diner about a necklace. His uncle wants it back because it belonged to his mom. Street ultimately makes her give him the necklace back and tells him to stay away from them both.
Eyes Everywhere
The team is tailing Baty after they’re forced to release him from custody. He heads to one of the neighborhoods that are supposedly being targeted. Hondo called in favors to locals to watch Baty for them.
Hondo’s locals tailed Baty to a busy area with street vendors. Baty is meeting with another man when he spots the tail Hondo put on them. They both make a run for it but the team corners the man Baty was meeting with. He tries to create a smokescreen with his motorcycle to get away but ends up falling off instead…BOOM. His backpack had a bomb in it and the impact of him hitting the ground detonates it.
Turns out, the same stuff in the guys’ backpack was made from the materials found in Baty’s house. Supposedly it’s known for accidental detonation, well we know that now. They know there are more of those bombs out there so the plan is to track down Baty’s other known associates.
Governor Plank
Plank is down at the station to apologize to Jess about the way she found out about him running for Governor. Jess is pissed. She figured out that he’s using their reform proposals as leverage to get more votes against the competition.
Fake News
Deacon tracks down videos about what Baty told them hate groups were planning on doing. Turns out that the videos were pieced together to make it look like real threats but they’re fake. Baty and his band of merry men think the threats are real and it’s about to become a real problem for all of LA.
Hondo remembers of an event happening down at a local park in one of the targeted areas. One of the groups in the videos will be there, and he thinks his dad will be too. They head down to the park with the event already underway. Hondo calls his dad, but instead of yelling at him to get out of there he asks for his help to evacuate the area.
The team gets to the park and starts to direct everyone out of the park, right before a trash can bomb go off. After a few of them go off in different areas of the park, Hondo figures out that the explosives were just distractions to make people run in a certain direction, towards a bigger bomb. Baty is there setting them off one by one.
Hondo spots a truck in the direction the crowd is going and tells everyone to stay away from it. As they divert the crowd away from the truck, Hondo spots Baty on a hill about to detonate the truck but shoots him in the shoulder before he can. The team is frantically trying to evacuate the park without any casualties when Chris spots the rest of Baty’s “friends”.
Hondo heads over to where Baty dropped but he’s gone. He hopped in the truck that was supposed to detonate and takes off driving. Baty is hightailing it through traffic, taking cars out left and right. Hondo and Street are in the SWAT truck chasing after Baty.
He’s headed straight toward a farmers market to try and take out a bunch of people. Jess and Hicks tell Hondo he has to stop him before he gets there. Hondo is b-lining it straight toward the truck.
“Hondo, we’re not gonna be able to cut him off” – Street
“That’s not the plan Street. Brace yourself!” – Hondo
Anyone else holding their breath?
BOOM! Hondo drives right through the truck setting off the bomb, causing a massive explosion. Everyone at the station is watching, hoping Hondo and Street are alright.
“Command to 20 David, Are you there?” – Jess
Of course, he’s there Jess, your beau isn’t going anywhere.
Looks like Hondo saved the day with this one. The whole neighborhood is grateful, shaking Hondo’s hand and thanking him. Finally, his dad understands the path Hondo chose.
.Continue reading on last page…
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