Back at HQ…
Hondo is talking to Jess about Street and his recent, erratic, behavior. She tells him that she trusts his judgment and will back whatever he decides to do.
Coming clean…
Street comes clean to Hondo about lying and everything that happened with his mom. Hondo asks if his mom is alright, but then kicks Street off SWAT. Street is pissed and upset. Hondo explains that he let him slide way too many times. What kind of a leader would he be if didn’t set an example for that kind of behavior?
“You don’t kick people out of a family” – Street
Well, I didn’t see that coming…
Surprise, Surprise
Deacons surprise is underway with everyone, but Street, present and looking sharp AF. Everyone gets ready for Annie’s arrival. When she gets there everyone thinks they pulled it off but no one knows Annie like Deacon. She knew the whole time, but not everything…
Renewing their vows wasn’t the only surprise. Deacon is going to use all of his saved up sick days to stay home and be with the kids while she goes back to school, now that she is healthy. But, Annie has a different plan. She tells Deacon that she can’t go back to work or school because not everything came up normal in her tests.
SHE’S PREGNANT! Kay number 5 on the way!
What a way to end a season! Bravo SWAT writers, bravo!
It’s different seeing a season end in sort of a high note when so many shows end in some sort of dramatic cliffhanger. I was waiting for an explosion in the background or something to leave us hanging until season two. Even though Street got kicked off of SWAT, it was a great ending. I think this is where Erica will be put into play for the next season.
Thanks for following along for season one! ‘Till next time SWATTERS!!
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