Reverie Episode 8 aired July 25th, on NBC.
Things are getting really freaky. Another shocker of an ending this week. I almost want to skip the “client” story to get straight to the end, it was that good. But we’ll save it for later.
We All Need Purpose in Life
Meet Pilar, a resident at Shady Pines Assisted Living. Pilar is unhappy and feels as if she has no purpose in life any longer. She uses Reverie to relive an important time in her life, a time when she had purpose and meaning. The only problem is, the facility’s manager isn’t happy that Pilar is spending so much time in Reverie. In real life, she has cancer, and she’s missing her treatments and getting sicker every day. He pays Charlie and Mara a visit and threatens to kick Pilar out of the facility if they can’t get her out of Reverie.

Mara goes into the program and finds a younger Pilar, living it up, dancing, having fun with the man she loves in Latin America, 1973. Mara does her usual digging, only this time she screws up. She thinks that Pilar wants to be reunited with the man she loved and lost, but she’s wrong. Dead wrong. In her real life, Pilar had rescued some young girls during this time of government upheaval, and this is the moment she wanted desperately to relive. Only Mara interfered, and the girls are captured.
Mara feels terrible about her mistake, and she comes back with a plan. She distracts the soldiers with an explosion, and then she and Pilar rescue the girls. At the border, Pilar wants to go on with them because in real life she never got to know what became of the girls. But Mara reminds her that the girls in the Reverie aren’t real, and convinces her to leave the program.
At Shady Pines once again, Pilar is depressed and sad, until Mara shows up with a huge surprise. Charlie has located the girls, and one of them, now a grandmother herself, comes to see Pilar. She brings her granddaughter with her, who happens to be named after Pilar. In a very emotional reunion, she shows Pilar photos of her family and tells her that if Pilar hadn’t rescued her, none of them would be here today.
Oliver is Back
About time he shows back up. Remember in the last episode that Paul was concerned with Mara’s gun shot in the program resulting in a bruise in the real world? Well, he brings this up with Alexis. Paul thinks this is very dangerous for Mara, and that it could get worse. He reminds Alexis that Oliver warmed them about this very thing, and he thinks they should ask Oliver for his help in how to fix it. Alexis is hesitant at first, wants to know why Paul is so worried about Mara. Paul denies that he is, of course, but hey, we know he’s concerned, (and I totally knew he had a crush on Mara). Eventually, Alexis agrees to speak to Oliver.
Alexis meets Oliver at a very public and safe place and the conversation seems almost pleasant at first. Oliver explains to Alexis that Mara’s bruising is probably just because of the two Reveries crossing, and Mara not actually going deep enough into the Reverie. But then Oliver realizes that Onira-Tech has shared Reverie with the military and he freaks out and starts shouting, drawing the attention of everyone around them. He finally calms down and Alexis leaves. But later, Oliver meets with that shady security guy from Onira-Tech, and sets something up. Then he uses his stolen tablet to go into his Reverie (also revealing a glimpse of some weird writing under his shirt), and passes out, smacking his head against a chair and falling onto the floor. I don’t know what Oliver has in store, but I don’t like the way he was flicking that lighter. Whatever his plans are, it’s not gonna be good.

Now for That Shocking Ending
So Mara and Chris are together again. They had both talked and decided they were okay with it. At the end of the show, Mara goes home and finds Chris at her place. She’s a little surprised at first, wants to know how he got in there. Evidently he still had the spare key she had given him when they were seeing each other. Everything seems really cool, and then the phone rings. She looks at the phone, and it’s freaking Chris calling her. I’m thinking, okay, he’s accidentally made one of those butt calls. But he holds out his phone for her and it’s not making any calls. Nervously, she answers her phone, and we see another Chris, at another location, in totally different clothes. Mara asks Chris when was the last time they saw each other and Chris says, “Three days ago. Why?” With tears in her eyes, Mara looks up at the other Chris and he starts to break up. She says, “You’re not real” just as Chris turns into Ray. Ray says, “I’m here for a reason,” and then he disappears. We’ve heard that line before. Wasn’t it Brynn who said that?

So, thoughts on Episode 8? What the hell is Oliver up to? And what is going on with Mara? Has it been this “other” Chris the whole time? Did she make out with the real Chris or the other Chris? Is she losing it, like Oliver warned would happen? Or is there a purpose to Brynn and now Ray showing up? Where do you think all this is going?
Reverie returns August 1st, 10/9 C, on NBC.
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