Arrow Season 6
My top takeaways from the first 13 episodes:
1. Someone once again tried to out Oliver as the green arrow.
2. Samantha died on the island while Thea fell into a coma and John suffered degenerative nerve damage in his hand.
3. Oliver gives up being the green arrow for William. (Another reused plot line from other seasons)
4. Oliver and Felicity get married. William and Felicity bonding. It was cute seeing them bond and learning William is a genius at math.
5. The introduction of FBI agent Samanda Watson (played by Sydelle Noel) who whole heartedly believes Oliver and his friends are the vigilantes.
6. The vigilante turned out to be Dinah’s old partner and boyfriend, Vincent Sobel (played by Johann Urb).
7. Renee, Curtis and Dinah form their own team.
8. We learn that it was actually Ricardo Diaz (played by Kirk Avacado) that killed Cayden James son.
9. Dinah is on a man hunt for Black Siren after she killed Vincent in front of her.
10. Quentin saved Black Siren from dying and is sure she is redeemable
What has worked this season:
This season has a lot packed into it. The interaction between Oliver and Felicity seems much more fluid and a lot less like a on going soap opera. John admitting he has wanted to be the Green Arrow since the dominator attacks in the last crossover is a jaw dropper. I especially loved seeing Slade Wilson (guest star Manu Bennett) and his story with his son.
The bonding between Felicity and William has been awesome but they seemed to pull away from it in episodes 12 & 13.
I am looking forward to and keeping up the hope that Black Siren will be redeemed and join the team in some shape or form.
What I’d like to see:
I really feel we need a lot less William in the show. The actor who plays William (Jack Moore) seems very stoic and not interesting. The storyline has hit its peak and though I would like to see Oliver and Felicity doing things with him sometimes, I don’t really want to keep hearing the same line he says over and over, “I’m scared I want to be with you” or “you lied to me”.
Arrow returns with brand new episodes on Thursday March 1 at 9/8c on the CW.
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