Willa’s party
Everyone’s having a great time except for Linda who would rather do the dishes then celebrate with Vic.
Chris shows up and when offered a drink he declines. He seems to be trying, but will he be able to continue this upward journey?
During a conversation with Chris, we find out Linda is afraid of Vic getting attacked in providence. Chris thinks Vic will be fine, but her mom isn’t so sure.
When Vic gets home her mom confronts her about a box containing weed, booze and condoms that she found.
Now, we all know that Bing placed that there, but they don’t.
Vic yells at her mom for going through her stuff and her mom says it was just on her bed.
When Vic can’t find her computer and art things, her mom says she isn’t getting them back until she earns them back.
Now Vic, completely drunk, begins to laugh making her mother even more angry. She says she can forget RISD because she isn’t grown up enough. She even says that they gave her a free pass to what she calls “rape town”.
Vic gets angry and storms out of the house calling her mom an “ignorant small town loser” and claiming that’s why her dad left her.
Bing strikes again

Bing attacks Vic as she’s leaving her and knocks her out, taking her back to his place.
We finally see just how psychopathic Bing has always been. He tells Vic the happiest day of his life is when he killed his parents.
He also says she smells like his mom and tries to rape Vic. This is probably the first time we see true fear on Vic’s face.
While she was trying to scare Bing by telling him that Charlie would be angry, she had been working on the tape with the pin Craig gave her.
Breaking the tape, she hits Bing in the crotch and runs out and straight to Craig’s house.
Craig wants to go take care of Bing, but Vic makes him promise not to. He does reluctantly and I’m guessing that he is going to try.
The phone call
Vic receives that ominous call from Maggie and becomes really worried about her.
Going to her mom
Needing her bike to get to Maggie, Vic goes and talks to her mother. She tells her she’s afraid of being alone and that’s she’s not stupid, but a coward and that’s why she stayed with her dad all these years.
This was the one thing I didn’t like about this episode. It seemed like no matter what – the women were doomed to fail.
Her mom hasn’t gotten any slack this whole season, but her dad gets excuse after excuse and now he’s suddenly wanting to be sober while her mom still hates that she’s going to college.
The continuous blame of the abused and not the abuser is the one point in this show I don’t care for.
The bike and Maggie
Going to the basement, Vic finds her knife and crosses the bridge, which now says Miss Trixies and finds Maggie laying in garbage.
She is unresponsive, so thinking quickly, Vic sticks her finger down Maggie’s throat and makes her throw up.
Maggie finally responds by saying “I guess you found your bike” and the episode ends with Vic holding onto Maggie crying as her eye becomes bloody red again.
Along with this weeks episode, a special short played called Ghost.
This gave us a look into the disappearance of Robbie and Robbie Jr from the auto shop we saw in the last episode.
After playing in the car and it almost killing his dad on its own, Robbie Jr. gets a call from Charlie who tells him something’s in the car for him.
Junior goes to the car and when his dad goes looking for him, and finds Junior in the car again he gets angry. Junior says he promised him a ride in the car and when his dad tries to get in through the trunk, he gets trapped inside and the car leaves on its own.
In my opinion, Junior already had a dark side and Charlie was able to play off of that.
We didn’t really learn anything new, but it was neat to get more backstory about Charlie.

Final thoughts
I loved getting to see Charlie in a relaxed setting. I think no one else could portray Charlie as well as Zachary Quinto does.
I am hoping that with the two hour season finale next week we see Linda find some peace in her life and hopefully Charlie, or at least Bing, gets what’s coming to them.
Be sure to catch the two hour season finale Sunday July 28 at a special time of 9/8c on AMC.
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