New Amsterdam – Domino Effect
We know Max Goodwin is a fantastic doctor but a procrastinating patient. While he meets with Dr. Sharpe discussing his treatment plan with specific drug and procedural plans, we find he has a new clock keeper (a fierce advocate who is not as well versed in medical jargon). Though Max wants to control the timing of procedures and treatments, his answer is still always tomorrow. It seems Georgia is content to take that responsibility and hold Max’s feet to the fire on the timeline of treatment. Dr. Goodwin, time is up. Preparation for treatment starts today.
Domino Day
A 7-month long project of Dr. Sharpe’s culminates in a domino setup of partial liver transplant surgeries. The complicated undertaking requires surgeries at three hospitals: Pittsburgh, Newark and The Dam. Each transplant recipient needs a liver, but no matches were found within their own families. Thus, members of patients’ families have agreed to a “pay it forward” domino where they each donate a part of their liver to another family. The system is complicated, and timing is tight, but the Dam Fam has a plan. What could go wrong?
Each donor must clear physical exams (already done) and mental fitness checks prior to surgery. The first hurdle comes on the arrival of the donor to the anchor patient (Dr. Sharpe’s patient) backs out of the surgery following her talk with Dr. Frome. Organ donation becomes tricky business for doctors as they cannot coerce donors in any way. A frustrated majority of the Dam Fam wants Iggy to speak with the donor again. His personal ethical boundary is unaffected by the loss of the domino chain, pressure from the medical director or desires of his peers. Dr. Frome has determined that the donor to the anchor patient cannot be certified fit for donation. It appears the entire domino chain has collapsed. Max, unwilling to give up on all of them, suggests that they proceed with the unimpacted transplants. At current, the only patient not receiving a transplant would be Dr. Sharpe’s anchor patient.
Helen is tasked with the dubious task of asking for the liver donation without reciprocation from the anchor family. Amin’s husband is incredulous at the request and the entire domino chain is NOW in jeopardy.
An Unlikely Hero

In the ED, Dr. Bloom swings the curtain back to find a scared father (Diego) looking over his daughter (Gianna) who is struggling to breathe. Assuring the undocumented pair that the Dam takes care of everyone and ICE will never know, Diego concedes to treatment that he knows Gianna needs. When Dr. Bloom pages Dr. Floyd but is greeted by another member of his team, Lauren asks why Floyd is avoiding her. Gianna needs a transplant and Diego offers up himself as her donor.
Diego isn’t a match for Gianna, but it turns out, he is a match to be a liver donor to our anchor patient. At this point, no donor has been found for Gianna but Diego offers up his liver without reciprocation. Diego is the kind of hero the world needs. Domino chain intact again, preparations continue at the three hospitals for the 6 transplants. At New Amsterdam, Max walks with Diego and tells him this, “We don’t have a donor for Gianna” when he opens the door to reveal “we have 12.” With 12 donors, someone is sure to be a match for the young girl.
Unfortunately, it isn’t quite that easy. Before she can get a transplant, Gianna’s heart begins to fail. Dr. Richards performs a stopgap measure to stabilize her in hopes of finding a donor. Before Diego can see what happens, it is time for his donor surgery. When he opens his eyes after his own surgery, his only thought is of Gianna. Those amazing New Amsterdam doctors had secured a lung for Gianna and she was just across the room, new lung transplanted, and they would recover together. This domino chain created 7 living donors and saved 7 lives. Not a bad day’s work.
Love Connection
Early in the episode we find that Dr. Bloom’s love connection was successful. Floyd and Evie are strolling hand in hand down the sidewalk as they approach the Dam. She is unsurprised at how well it is going but Floyd is a still a little wary. They share a kiss on the sidewalk and walk separately into work. Throughout the day, it appears Dr. Richards is avoiding Dr. Bloom. Lauren finally forces the conversation between them to assure Floyd that they are fine as colleagues and to remind him that she fixed them up. Did anyone buy this from either of them? Everything isn’t magically smooth for the pair, but it does help cement Floyd’s next move with Evie. After a long and taxing shift, he has lunch plans with Evie. He invites Lauren to join them, but she declines with a flimsy (outright lie) of an excuse. The next thing we know, Dr. Richards is walking briskly into the Legal department where he lets everyone know how he feels about Evie.
Lacking a romantic connection in her life doesn’t stop Lauren from finding connections with people everywhere. She has a particularly touching moment with Gianna who is afraid to be alone while her father is in surgery. Dr. Bloom lets us in on her own fear of being alone. Perhaps this is part of why Dr. Bloom works so hard and is willing to work longer shifts. At the end of a marathon shift, she arrives home. Greeted by her doorman, she makes it no closer than 8 feet from the door when she turns and calls Bronx General to pick up an ED shift. What makes Dr. Bloom so afraid to be alone or at home?
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