New Amsterdam 202 “The Big Picture” Staff Meeting So now that we know who died, how will that play out for the doctors at New Amsterdam? Well, for the most directly impacted, Max Goodwin, is working very hard to not show his grief. As he assembles the staff, people begin to wonder and guess what […]
New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 2 Premiere (Review – Spoilers!)
New Amsterdam – Your Turn Welcome back Dam Fam! It has been a long wait to see how everyone faired in that ambulance crash that closed out season 1. The writers didn’t take it easy on us emotionally (as usual) but they did interweave two timelines masterfully to engage us all through the entire episode. […]
New Amsterdam Episode 15 “Croaklahoma”
New Amsterdam – Croaklahoma What’s your favorite chemusical? The scene opens with music from Hamilton in the background, our regular chemo crew is gathered around IV poles and the table playing cards. Willow has a cough that concerns Max, but each patient begins to joke about musical titles for their cancer. Max is hesitant to […]
New Amsterdam Episode 13: The Blues
“The Blues” New Amsterdam Episode 13 Another Day, More Patients Dr. Bloom overlooks the ED, reviewing charts, triaging patients, offering instructions for her staff as she prepares to wrap up her shift. The ambulance brings in Mrs. Medrano, an unconscious diabetic with familial ties at New Amsterdam. Bloom has a VIP patient scheduled but […]
New Amsterdam Episode 10 “Six or Seven Minutes”
New Amsterdam Episode 10 Treatment countdown Akashi and Helen handoff Max a sample for immunotherapy development. They set the date for the evening with the promise of going Dutch for dinner followed the Lauren Hill concert. Everything was on track for Max is treatments. Helen receives a call from a friend to Georgia at the […]