Preview: Northbound Season 3
In anticipation of the forthcoming third season of the hit web series, Northbound – I stole a helicopter and flew straight to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with the goal of acquiring some footage from the show. I hatched a brilliant plan: Kidnap Jason Hagen (writer, producer) and hold him hostage. Surely, Seth Anderson (writer, director, co-creator), would pay my ransom of “whatever you’ve filmed of season 3 so far…”
Genius, right? Maybe I watch too much TV…
Fortunately for me, the entire cast and crew are pretty darn awesome – and since they just launched their Season 3 Kickstarter Campaign, they actually offered up some exclusive footage to So Many Shows without having to commit any felonies.
What is Northbound?
Exclusive Video:
Check out this exclusive footage from Season 3 Episode 1 – with a special intro from Alisha Mondloch who plays Hannah Trepanier…
Giant thanks to Alisha, Jason, and Seth for releasing this amazing footage! Bring on Season 3!
More Info:
If you haven’t yet watched the series, IT’S A MUST!
Check out my initial review for the show here.
You can follow Northbound on Twitter and Facebook – or visit their website
Watch Season 1 and 2 on Seeka TV! And pledge to their Kickstarter!
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