Cloak and Dagger Episode 6
We are taught to always trust in ourselves, but what if you can’t? Then who do you trust in?
What if you put all your trust in one person and something happens to them, could you survive?
Tandy faces all these questions in Episode 6: B Sides.
Quick catch up with episodes. 3-5
Biggest revelation: the chemicals from Roxxon creates shadows of people. These shadows are the worst part of a person, anger and revenge.
When Detective Reilly’s shadow, rightfully named Mayhem, tries to kill a young boy while Ty and Tandy try to rescues girls taken by human traffickers, she is taken inside of Tyrone’s cloak.
After Mayhem gets sucked in by Ty’s cloak, Tandy decides she has to go in to get her out for she has the leads needed to find the girls.
Fun Easter egg:
The man who taught Brigid the card trick on solving cases, was also in Daredevil season 1 over on Netflix
Inside the Cloak
After running into little Ty again, Tandy gives up her powers in order to seek out mayhem.

A record store of memories
They say music can spark memories, and in this story that is literally true.
This record store was filled with records representing all the missing girls Tandy is searching for.
While inside we go through some of Tandy’s memories via a record player and some eerie music at times.
We see that there were multiple times Tandy’s mom could’ve left her abusive father but didn’t. Though we have to keep in mind that this was from a child’s point of view.
After traveling through time with Tandy to not to happy of memories, Tandy ends up having to save Connors from mayhem and by doing so accidentally sets him free.
Because Tandy broke the rules, they are sent back to the normal world, where he runs.
When Tandy finds out her mom was drinking again, and hooking up with “a hot doctor” After literally tells her mom she didn’t care enough about her to leave her abusive father, and that she stayed to live the good life and that’s why she is getting with the hot doctor.
After saying it’s easy enough to leave an abuser, Tandy leaves and goes to Andre for help and he sends her to Lia.
Just another harsh issue that this show is tackling. That’s one thing I truly enjoy, it’s not afraid to push all the hot button issues.
Anger becomes blinding
Lia’s ex was abusive and also a known human trafficker. Because Tandy is so angry about these girls being taken she literally uses Ty as her abusing ex (in which Ty with all rights said she picked him because he was black but she said it’s because she trusted him and that he was her best friend) got Lia to tell her where her ex was.
The divine pairing in peril
It’s so hard whenever these two fight because they should be working as one to stop the criminals, not fighting each other.
Though it is nice to see young people in a super hero show act like normal young people instead of perfect kids like in most.
Tandy goes to where Lia says, and because she is driven by anger and her own own pain, finds out too late that Lia tricked her and was behind the missing girls, getting drugged and taken herself.
In a mess
Tyrone learns too late that he can’t use his power.
After going to see his mom and saving her from a gang trying to kill him, takes her to the church.
Caught between a rock and a hard place
When the gang finds them at the church, Tyrone decides to give himself up, thinking he could just use his powers to take himself to safety in order to save his mom.
When the police storm the church, Tyrone tried to poof away but can’t because unknown to him or Tandy when she gave up her power it also took his.
The minute Tandy uses her power to save Connors though, Tyrone gets his back at just the right moment to save himself.
Cute moment for mother and son
Not only did we learn that Adina knows how to steal cars, but we also saw the two bonding for the first time in a long time.
Adina tells Tyrone that she doesn’t trust Tandy and she would lead him down a dark path while Melissa, Tandy’s mom, says she likes Tyrone and he’s a good influence.
I think seeing the way the two moms view the others child in such different lights is just another strength in the storytelling of this show.
They also talk about Evita and vampires. It was an interesting scene in the church and I enjoyed it.
Tyrone gets pissed at Tandy for bringing Connors back and tells her he doesn’t need her help.
But when he seeks Brigid’s help, she refuses as she still can’t shoot her gun.
The lie
Tyrone finds Connors with the help of the Loa, who tells Tyrone that he wants to help exonerate him of his murder and to pay for killing his brother.
He tells Tyrone that he can find a letter that proves that his uncle was the one who got him off for the killing of Billy. But when Tyrone goes to where he says it is, he finds nothing.
Anger takes Tyrone
Angry at Connors for lying he threatens to kill him but decides the only person who can truly pass judgement on Connors is his mother and takes Connors to her place.
Now to Episode 6: B Sides…
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