Aunt Hilda comes in
Coming into the bathroom, Hilda asks Sabrina to help her get rid of late Mrs. Blackwoods spirit. And tells Nick to put a shirt on.
Spirit removal
While Sabrina slowly puts out the candles surrounding Mrs.Blackwoods spirit. They find out Shirley (one of the prof at the school of unseen arts that hates Zelda) woke up her spirit and lied to her.
Saying that she purposely let her die. To steal Blackwood.
Thus the spirit easily leaves as she didn’t want to be awoken in the first place.
Putting together Edwards Manifesto
Sitting in her room with Ambrose and Nick. Sabrina puts together the pages of her fathers Manifesto.
And learns he had a vision of witches and mortals being together. Going as far to say they should be together to make stronger offspring.
After their done going through Edwards Manifesto it’s Ambrose’s turn to tell them about father Blackwoods Manifesto.
About how archaic and misogynistic it is. And how he is going show it to the Anti-pope. Ambrose also mentions he will be guarding the Anti-popes chambers and can get Sabrina in.
The Antipopes Visit
As the anti pope enters the school you can tell how much he likes looking at the teenagers.
And even tells Sabrina he missed her father. And wishes he could have seen where Edward would’ve taken them.
Crashing Blackwoods meeting
Breaking into Blackwood and the antipopes meeting Sabrina gives him her fathers manifesto.
The anti pope than says he will take his leave and will go over both manifestos and choose one.
A night with Nick

With everyone at the academy short of Sabrina and Nick they decide to start having a make out session which I’m sure would’ve gone to more if a bloody Ambrose didn’t appear in her room.
Ambrose pops in
Babbling about the anti pope being dead and not knowing how he died. And how it’s not his fault.
Sabrina assures him that she believes him, and asks Nick to take him somewhere safe while, she goes stalls Blackwood who they hear downstairs.
Stalling Blackwood
Going downstairs, she acts innocent and says he’s not there but Blackwood has his men search the house
Talking with her aunts
While Blackwood and his boys search the house Sabrina asks her aunts if they believe he did it.
And to Sabrina’s chagrin Zelda believes he might have.
The wedding will go on
After informing them his men found nothing. Blackwood makes it clear that the wedding will still go on. And it will be done after the antipopes funeral.
Concocting a plan
Still hellbent to stop the wedding. She concocts a Hamlet like Plot to stop it. And needs to explain what she’s talking about to him. Obviously wizards don’t read Shakespeare.
Crashing her aunts wedding
Breaking into the wedding, glamoured as Edward and Diana, her and Nick go in accusing Blackwood of murdering them and tells him to confess or face their wrath.
Seeing through it
Easily seeing through it Blackwood takes off the glamour.
Still not perturbed
Not letting herself be bothered by it – Sabrina still accuses Blackwood of killing her parents and the antipope because he was worried he would choose Edwards over his.
Ambrose swoops in
After arguing with him about Ambrose not killing the antipope. Ambrose shows up and tries to kill Blackwood. But is stopped and arrested
The wedding still happens
Even after all the days events. And being kicked out of the academy. Sabrina learns her aunt and Blackwood got married in his office.
Trying to Visit Ambrose
Sabrina tries to enter the academy of unseen arts and is unable to do so.
And when prudence comes out to tell her once your expelled you can’t come in. She also says she can’t visit Ambrose and they were never friends
Once she leaves. Quentin one of the ghost children around the school appears and tells her about how Ambrose is locked up in the Witches Cell and that the weird sisters are planning on torturing him.
Confiding in her aunt
Telling her Aunt Hilda everything. And Hilda mentioning how Zelda usually takes care of these things. And how she hasn’t been able to get ahold of her.
Summoning the Trivium
After telling Sabrina about Trivium or gatekeepers. They summon them to the house…
And learn that they’ve already talked to Blackwood and there would be no trial and Ambrose will be executed once Blackwood returns to the school.
Making plans
As Hilda tells Sabrina she is going try to bribe her way in to see Ambrose with cooked chicken.
Sabrina mentions she is going go to Baxter high to see Wardwell and ask for advice
Baxter High
After learning from Theo that Roz lost her sight and has to do work in the library, Sabrina goes sees Roz quickly before going to talk to Wardwell.
She finds out from Wardwell who is taking a personal day, that Roz wanted to study alone in the library. And that if she wants to help her to make her see again and bring a comfort spell.
Going to see Roz
Seeing Roz doesn’t go so well, as her and Harvey tell her they don’t trust witches or spells.
And they blame her for her loosing her sight. Since she lost it right after kissing Harvey.
It’s nice to see them act like real people instead of just happy go lucky normal tv teenagers.
Upset Sabrina leaves. And is watched by another student as she does.
Things don’t get better
Going to Dorian Greys bar she tries to talk with Nick.
Who wants nothing to do with her after getting expelled from the academy.
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