Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Chapters 16 and 17
Sabrina never gives up on trying to fix the wrongs of the Church of Night. And when she hears of Father Blackwood’s deceit she doesn’t sit by. Nor does she bow down to killer angels, even if it takes her very soul. All this and more in The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Chapter Sixteen: Blackwood and Chapter Seventeen: The Missionaries
Sabrina Spellman
An annoying Aunt Zelda
As Zeldas wedding is getting closer, she has Sabrina, Ambrose, and Hilda help with making decorations for the Wedding.
And Sabrina doesn’t like the fact her aunts marrying him for power. And feels bad for Ambrose as he mourns Luke.
But gets mad when Ambrose throws something at Salem as he thinks Salem ate his, familiar Leviathan.
Visiting with Nick
While having drinks with Nick, half listening as he talks about the Anti Pope, and how Sabrina’s dad was close to him.
Seeing a Ghost
That’s when she sees the ghost of her Father Edward Spellman (played by Georgie Daburas). Up on the second floor.
Going up there, he tells Sabrina that she can’t trust Blackwood. And that he is the one that brought down him and her mothers plane. So they couldn’t bring his new Manifesto to the Anti-pope.
He also told her to save Zelda from him, and to finish his work.
Telling Aunt Zelda
Hurrying back home, she tells Zelda about her dads ghost and what he had said.
She tells her for one, Sabrina’s already been drinking, and how could she know it was really his ghost.
And if it was to send it her way. So she can talk to him directly. Mad Sabrina stalks off.
Finding Solace in Ambrose
Following Sabrina, Ambrose tells her that he thinks she’s right. He tells her about the tarot reading he had. And being inducted into Blackwoods secret society, for warlocks only. And that their meeting that night
Sabrina tells him to find out all he can.
Visiting Wardwell
Still unbeknownst to Sabrina that Wardwell is actually Lilith and a traitor, she goes to her for guidance.
And tells her about the ghost and what he said. Not knowing it was Wardwell that faked being the ghost.
And to further her scheme Wardwell tells her about her parents heading to the Vatican necropolis that’s under Rome. To give the Anti-pope his manifesto.
And that it was Blackwood that did the inquiry Into their death and ruled it a plane failure. And that A traditionalist like Blackwood wouldn’t want the anti-pope to see that.
Wardwell also made sure the plane went down under the Devil’s Triangle.
Nick Goes Diving
Using Sabrina’s bathtub and magic, Nick recovers her fathers manifesto.
After telling Sabrina about fighting off a squid to get it, Nick tells her he would do anything for anything for her.
Which I find interesting that it was her who would do anything for Harvey and now it’s Nick doing anything for Sabrina.
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