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Blood and Treasure Episode 5
I had the pleasure of speaking to co-creator, Stephen Scaia, this past week. At the end of this review, you can listen to the interview as we discuss what is was like shooting on location and live tweeting the episodes! I also had the opportunity to speak to Blood and Treasure’s co-creator Matthew Federman as well. If you missed it, you can check out that interview here!
But first, onto the review!
Hero of the Day
In the last episode, Danny was left trapped at the Sauber Depot and Lexi was taken. We start the episode in Germany at the Sauber Depot, Danny is trying to climb out when Jay Reece arrives just in time to save the day. They try to figure out where Lexi went, but Jay isn’t too concerned about her.
He is in a rush to get to Rome and have the treasures that Danny recovered sent back to Egypt. Danny could care less about the treasures and just wants to find Lexi.
Moving Cleopatra
Flashback to 1944 in Carcassonne, France where a train holding Cleopatra is getting ready to set off to Spain. Colonel Steiner asks to decouple trains so they could move Cleopatra faster. Orders came in to remove cargo and send it to Berlin immediately, but Steiner believes that the men are imposters and a shootout begins. The train carrying Cleopatra leaves and we see one of the fallen men wearing the green medallion of the Brotherhood.
Join the Dark Side
Back to the present time, Lexi is being held captive and she recognizes that Fabi is one of the men. She asks about Danny and Fabi tells her that Jacob Reece is on his way to the Depot. (Now how did he know that…) Lexi realizes that Fabi is part of the Brotherhood and Fabi tries to deny it.
She escapes from her handcuffs, fights off Fabi and runs into the room with all the medallions glowing. She stops, and this gives Fabi a chance to catch up to her. He offers for her to take out Farouk with him, but she doesn’t want his help.
Fabi tells her the mole in the Egyptian government is Sharif Ghazal, a former spy, who is now in the Egyptian Ministry of State for Antiquities. He has a safe that can only be opened with his fingerprint. He needs her skills and access to Reece. There will be a reception in Geneva to return the antiquities to Egypt and Ghazal will be there. Lexi doesn’t think Danny will approve, so Fabi tells her to lie to him.
Catching On
At the Carabinieri headquarters, Gwen questions where Fabi has been, but he dismisses her interrogation. She updates him on what happened and asks about the medallion that is missing from evidence. He assures her that he will look into it.
I Believe You
Danny is working with Dr. Castillo at the Reece villa to figure out where Lexi could be. Dr. Castillo mentions all the murders that have taken place throughout history, while trying to find Cleopatra.
Danny thinks the Brotherhood might be involved. Dr. Castillo thinks it’s a mistake to keep looking for Cleopatra.
Danny leaves and heads back to Father Chuck’s place. Lexi arrives and tells him a story about walking to find help. Danny tells her that he believes her, and asks her to come along to Geneva.
Show Me The Money
Taj is with Farouk and tells him that there are no more funds. He wants to sell the sarcophagus of Antony, but Farouk refuses and says that he needs both Antony and Cleopatra. He has another plan to get the money.
What Could Go Wrong
Agent Karlsson introduces Ghazal to Danny and Lexi. Ghazal hugs Danny and is very friendly with him. He gets Danny and Karlsson shots of sambuca and he welcomes Danny to Egypt with the welcome of a pharaoh. Meanwhile, Lexi goes off to check out the canopic jar that Ghazal touched. She sprays it and takes pictures with a UV light for his fingerprint. The antiquities are then packed up for transport.
While in transport, they are attacked by Farouk and all the relics are stolen. They are replaced by replicas. Danny realized they were fakes because Shaw took the jewels off of Cleopatra’s crown, but Farouk would never have known that. Jay insists they have to send the fakes to Egypt so that it doesn’t look like Farouk beat them again. Lexi isn’t sure about the plan to lie. (This surprises me, as she is currently lying to Danny…)
I Trust You
Back at Father Chuck’s place, Lexi had a 3-D print of Ghazal’s fingerprint made for the heist. Lexi tells Danny that she had a reliable source that told her the mole is Ghazal. Danny wants to tell Gwen, but Lexi says not to. She tells him of the files that could help find Farouk, and Danny begins to plot how Lexi could steal the files.
Sit Down Now
Danny goes to Cairo to meet Ghazal, but Ghazal is not very welcoming. He apologizes for giving Danny the wrong impression and proceeds to leave. Lexi needs more time, so Danny tells Ghazal of the attack on the convoy and that someone had to tip Farouk off to the route. Danny says Ghazal is the prime suspect and he stays for lunch with Danny.
After lunch, Danny meets Lexi. She scanned about half of what was in the safe and she found a letter from Farouk to her father thanking him for their friendship. Her dad helped fund their terrorist operations. Danny and Lexi are attacked by the Brotherhood and they took the file.
We Are Doing the Right Thing
Danny and Lexi are back at Reece’s villa. Danny tells Reece and Castillo that he believes it was the Brotherhood that attacked them. Lexi continues to lie and tells them that she thinks they got to her source. Jay says that there was a break in at the Railway Museum in Berlin and the thieves took the logs to the Sauber Depot.
Dr. Catillo has had enough. She believes that they are obsessed with finding Farouk and that too many people are dying. A team has asked her to join a dig and she is leaving, warning them that maybe Cleopatra wasn’t meant to be found.
Not My Boyfriend
Lexi goes to see Fabi. He gives her a new phone, but she refuses to take it. Fabi says that he had to make the attack in Cairo look real to fool Danny. She begins to leave, but Fabi entices her with the files that she took. He says it will lead them to straight to Farouk and he wants her there when they find him.
Before she leaves, he tells her that she needs to trust him over Danny. He gives her the phone and she takes it.
A huge theme throughout this episode was trust.
Danny mentions several times that he trusts Lexi, but does he really? He doesn’t push her on who her source is and I am beginning to wonder if he is playing her, just as much as she is playing him. I don’t think Lexi intends to hurt Danny by lying to him.
The offer from Fabi to catch Farouk is enticing to Lexi and she is blinded by that glowing treasure. I don’t question whose side Lexi is on right now, because I feel like Lexi is on her own side. She has her own goals and she has blinders on in trying to achieve this goal.
Dr. Castillo is completely correct…she is obsessed. It is unfortunate though because I feel that she will inadvertently hurt Danny again. Especially after Father Chuck and Jay has mentioned how much he was hurt before.
And more thoughts…
Jay’s sudden appearance in the beginning baffles me and the fact the Fabi knew about it baffles me even more. Who are Jay’s connections…. I suppose the better question is, who are Fabi’s connections?
We got to see some “out of character” moments this episode. It seems out of place for our boy scout to plan how Lexi will break into Ghazal’s office to retrieve the files. But do we really know Danny? Father Chuck has teased in a previous episode that Danny is more like Lexi than she realizes. Maybe we will see a bit more of this dark side come out in him in future episodes. Agent Karlsson getting drunk was a bit of a surprise as well. Hopefully we will see her let loose more often. It was surprising (but completely intentional) that Danny was too preoccupied with Lexi’s actions to notice Gwen’s jokes. We need to have Agent Karlsson and Father Chuck get drunk together and enjoy a few laughs.
Overall, this feels like a bit of a setback for our team. Farouk seems to have the upper hand now and our team looks like it may be falling apart with all of these lies. Hopefully they can pull themselves back together. Also, we need to bring back Shaw and Father Chuck for the laughs!
Stephen Scaia!
My interview with Stephen Scaia! View in the embedded player below or check it out directly on our YouTube page…
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