Blood and Treasure Episode 4
The episode starts off in the past: Bavaria 1944.
Nazis are celebrating the arrival of Cleopatra and claim she will rise again. A photo is snapped (the one our team presently possesses) and bombs begin to go off outside the castle.
Present Day
Danny is looking at photos of castles to try to figure out where the picture was taken.
Father Chuck arrives at his place slightly hungover. When Lexi comments on his state, Danny notices how ‘chummy’ they’ve become. Lexi replies that they bonded over making fun of Danny.
Back at the Carabinieri, Fabi goes to see Karlsson and asks if she still thinks Farouk has a mole in the government. Karlsson is certain of it. She tells him that she found a contact of Farouk’s, Taj, and she is sending agents to Lybia to track him down. Fabi leaves and makes a phone call, saying he needs Lybian military credentials. We are left wondering who he is speaking to…
Have Fun Storming The Castle

Danny figures out which castle the Nazis were hiding Cleopatra in and where the picture was taken. He asks Father Chuck if he wants to go to the castle, but Father Chuck stays at home.
We hear knock at a door and an older woman answers. A man asks the woman if she’s the girl in the photo and she’s surprised that he has the photo. He says he is a doctoral student doing a research paper on Egyptian antiquities and she lets him in.
We see Fabi with soldiers entering a place where they expect to find Antony, but he is no longer there. There is a man that Fabi recognizes though, Max Najjar. Max asks how Fabi found him and Fabi says that the Brotherhood has been looking for him ever since the attack on the pyramids. He survived the attack and the Brotherhood suspects that Farouk saved him when they saw he was accepting payments. Fabi asks what Farouk wants with Antony and Cleopatra, Max says that he doesn’t know. Fabi kills him and takes the necklace he was wearing, another one of the green pendants.
Bavaria- Castle Schadelberg
Danny and Lexi take a tour of the castle. They ask about WWII, but the tour guide tells them that all Nazi iconography was removed. The tour continues, but Lexi pulls Danny in a closet. They wait for the tour to leave, so they can look around the castle.
Back in Rome
The Carabinieri ask Dr Castillo to come down to the headquarters to see if she knows who Max Najjar is. She says he was killed in the pyramid attack with the rest of her team. They inform her that he was recently found dead and working with the terrorists, but she doesn’t believe he would that.
Danny and Lexi begin to search the castle. Lexi finds a goblet with jewels, but Danny warns her not to take anything. He finds a painting of the original castle and compares it to the map of the current castle. Danny thinks the Nazis got rid of the chapel to make room for the hidden section. They find a room with a marking of a black sun on a door. While Danny gives Lexi a history lesson, she thinks like a thief and figures out how to open the door. Inside, Danny thinks the room is a replica of Cleopatra ‘s tomb.
He finds a wall where there is Greek mixed in with the Egyptian hieroglyphics and takes pictures. Lexi finds a projector that shows the castle being attacked and the Nazi’s moving Cleopatra. He finds a Kreisau Cirlce and explains that they were the good guys and that they protected stolen treasure. They find a hidden code near the circle and think Father Chuck and the Vatican library might be able to help them.
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