Big Brother 21 Week 8
Hey BB fans! I’m back with another weekly recap!
Hope you are ready for some emotions this week because we got more than enough for ya!
We pick up on Day 52 and Tommy has nominated Kat and Cliff. This means Kat, Cliff and Christie will be on the block this week as a part of America’s Field Trip vote. Lots of tears from Kat and Christie this week; Oh the waterworks!! Do they remember this is just a game??
Veto players are chosen for the week and Kat, Christie, Cliff, Tommy, Nick and Michie will play in the Competition. This week, it’s OTEV, the POV every BB fan looks forward to seeing each season!

Each contestant plays hard in this one and in the end it comes down to Nick and Tommy. Tommy wins the PoV! Christie is excited that her closest ally wins and will pull her off the block. He does and now we are back to 2 noms (Cliff and Kat). Who will be evicted on Thursday night?
Eviction Night
Going back to Day 55 and the VETO was used to remove Christie. The houseguests are scrambling and Tommy, Nick, Sis and Christie decide to form an alliance with Cliff and Nicole. Michie and Holly are on the outside right now. Cliff is game for the alliance but Nicole doesn’t quite buy it and tells Jessica (her closest ally). Nicole is having mixed emotions about her 2 friends on the block and being the swing vote this week which causes her to blow up her game and spill this info!
Of course, Jessica is livid for never being included in any majority alliance and decides to spill the news to Kat. This shakes Kat to the core. She is forgetting Cliff is still playing BB to win, not be the house’s saint! Holly and Michie also find out! So much for anyone keeping alliances secret in this house!
Live Vote and Eviction

Kat and Cliff have great speeches before the live vote began. Kat may just end up being one of America’s favorites this season. She’s way more savvy then meets the eye!
By a vote of 6-1, Kat is evicted from the BB house!
Kat admits LIVE that she and Holly do know each other from outside the house! This interview is juicy and Kat is a great interviewee. Check out the full interview at

HOH Competition
Another fan favorite competition! This year’s theme is Oktoberfest and they have to make their way down the slip n slide to fill their barrel to the top! The first to retrieve the ping pong ball wins! To be continued…
Sunday Night
We begin with the HOH Competition in progress. BB recaps 18 hours before the eviction and shows Jessica starting some discord in the house by calling to the 6 person alliance. Holly, Sis, Christie and Jessica hash it out in the Boat Room and all the houseguests listen in to the fight. Bottom line is that Michie and Holly are on the outs!
Back to HOH! Nick and Michie are pulling head and Holly is gaining! In the end, Michie wins HOH! He’s ready to target Christie for the week. He is definitely gunning for her and just has to decide on a pawn to sit next to her.
Jackson aka Michie nominates Christie and Analyse aka Sis for Eviction this week! Tune in to see how the week plays out!
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