BB21 Week 6
Welcome Back to BB!! It’s been quite a tumultuous week in the Big Brother house! Let’s start with a quick recap to catch you up on all the juicy details.
Wednesday show
Nick and Sam are the nominees for the week and Sam is visibly upset. Before the veto players are picked, Kat approaches Holly to volunteer herself as a pawn to prove her loyalty. Nick, Jess, Sam, Holly, Cliff and Tommy all play in the Veto Comp and have to physically herd sheep into pens. After several head to head rounds, Nick Wins POV.
After the competition, Christie and Tommy get painted pink as part of their poison ivy punishment. I think the 2 of them pulled this off quite well.
Nick ends up using the veto on himself and as expected, Holly nominates Kat as the replacement nominee.
Live Eviction Show
Hello DRAMA! Julie starts the show with news that the house is imploding and the Six Shooters alliance is crumbling right before the live vote! No one is clear who is going home. Will it be Sam or Kat? More details on this later.
We go back into the week and find out that Sam is understandably trying to rally people to keep himself in the house. Kat feeds Holly plenty of unsettling info about Christie and Tommy, which fuesl her distrust of the twosome. Meanwhile, Sam is feeding intel to Michie about Christie and Tommy. Turns out Christie’s loose lips last week (ha! say that 5x fast) showed she was not loyal to Michie at all. The couples in the house are not happy with this news but Holly does not want to send Kat home under any circumstance. As they have a solid final 2 deal.
Live Vote happens and by a vote of 9-0, Sam is evicted from the Big Brother house.
America’s Vote is open and you have the opportunity to vote for 3 houseguests. The winner of the vote will be safe, 2nd place will receive a punishment and 3rd place will automatically be put up as a 3rd nominee for eviction. Who will the 3 be? Find out next Sunday, August 11th.
Sunday Show
Remember those details we wanted to hear about the fight right before eviction? We get to see what happened the 4 hours prior and basically the Six Shooters alliance is dead. It all starts with Michie telling Jack that Holly and Kat know each other outside the house.
Also, Michie wants Jack on his side and not with Tommy and Christie. This doesn’t sit well with Jack and we find out he has more loyalty to Christie than to Michie when they decide to flip the vote to keep Sam and evict Kat at the last hour. The Six Shooters have it out in the Boat Room and the whole house listens in on the blow-up. However, in the final hour they decide to keep Kat and that’s why Sam is sent home this week. So close Sam!!
HOH Comp
This week’s HOH competition is all about memory and details. After answering several true/false questions, Jessica wins HOH! A shift in power is coming in BB for the upcoming week! Jess, Cliff, Kat and Nicole celebrate and enjoy this win for the “underdogs” in the house.
Jessica nominates Jack and Michie. She’s not backing down and goes for 2 big players in the game! Can’t wait see what this week brings and who wins the POV! Let’s go!!
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