A Bosch-ingly Good Video!
We recently released our Everybody Counts Podcast for the Season 5 Boschie Awards! If you missed it, you can listen to the entire thing (hosted by the actors that play Crate and Barrel) right here. Most of the podcast was recorded via video – so we put together some snippets and a little “behind the scenes” for you to enjoy!
The T-Shirt!

In the video you’ll see some of us wearing our “everybody counts” t-shirts. Would you like one? We happen to have an extra that we are GIVING AWAY! Three ways to enter… Like our Facebook page, follow us on twitter, and share the video below. We’ll pick a winner in just a few weeks to win!
Check it out!
This is just a sample of the podcast via video – some of the funnier parts, some acceptable speeches, and a look at how it’s all put together.
Once again, we want to thank Gregory Scott Cummins and Troy Evans for helping to put it all together. Watch the video below or directly on YouTube:
Don’t Forget:
You can listen to the ENTIRE podcast awards here!
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