Big Brother 21 Week 5
Hello BB fans! We are back and this summer is moving right along in the Big Brother house.
This week starts right after the nomination ceremony and Jack and Michie (Jackson) are on the block! They are PISSED and ready to play this game. Tommy seems overly upset for the guys that are placed up for nomination and is in tears in the bedroom. Christie comes in and considers using her power but not until she sees who wins the power of veto.
Have Nots begin!! Tommy, Kat, Michie and Christie are on slop for the week and have to sleep in the Camp Comeback room with cold showers.
Veto players are chosen and during the veto ceremony, Jack uses his Chaos power and forces a redraw at the veto ceremony. Kat, Sam and Analyse are chosen and it seems like Jack wasted his power! The Power of Veto starts and the houseguests have to undress while holding onto 3 buttons, while balancing on a jetski. With these houseguests, taking off clothes shouldn’t be too hard! Whoever can do this the fastest wins the POV! In the end, Michie wins the POV.
After the veto competition, Michie hopes Christie will use her power but in the end she makes a deal with Cliff and keeps her power. Cliff puts Bella up as the replacement nominee and Nick is furious!

Thursday Live Show
Bella and Jack are on the block and after the ceremony, Bella and Nick are feeling down and out. Their showmance has developed into love and they are genuinely sad to possibly be separated so soon. Cliff is making a move in the house and trying to find a spot with the “Jack, Michie and Christie” alliance.
Bella is trying to sway the houseguests to vote for her to stay in the house. She comes to Nicole and Jessica to apologize and they consider her plan but she’s still not sure she has the votes in the end.
The Live vote begins and Bella tries to the bitter end and Jack is as smug as ever in his fake speech.
With a vote of 8-2, Bella is Evicted! Poor Nick is in tears as they all get ready for the HOH endurance competition. Bella tells Julie they truly did have feelings for each other and hope to continue this relationship outside the house.

The “Pose in Ivy” HOH Competition begins. They start to get a taste of being up in the air. Each contestant is holding onto the vines and it doesn’t look easy at all.
Sunday Show
We are eagerly waiting the results of the HOH endurance competition. The HGs are balanced on vines in the air to compete for the ultimate prize in the house. Jessica is the first one out and draws a chip to find out if she wins a punishment for the week. She is spared.

One by one the houseguests fall until Christie and Tommy both draw punishments for the week. The final 2 are Holly and Analyse (Sis) and they hold on as long as they can until Sis falls and Holly becomes the HOH for the week!
After Holly wins, Michie is thrilled because he knows he has a way to possibly control her thoughts and nominations for the week. Christie and Tommy aren’t happy with Michie’s personality and his treatment of women. We are starting to see cracks in the bigger alliance in the house.
In the end, Holly nominates Nick and Sam for the week. Stay tuned to see what happens this week and who will end up winning the POV. We know Sam is a proven POV beast! Let’s see if he pulls himself off the block or not!
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