Big Brother 21 Week 2
Welcome back to Big Brother ya’ll!
It’s week 2 and the game is definitely underway! Day 8 begins right after the nomination ceremony ends and Cliff and Kat are up for elimination. Of course, fake hugs all around for the nominees as the houseguests console each other and are thankful it isn’t them on the chopping block. Ovi is relieved he wasn’t nominated and believes he is truly safe because of his “Fab 5” alliance.
The Gr8ful alliance has some communication issues mainly because Bella has gotten close with Kemi, which doesn’t quite sit well with the other members of the group. They discuss this kink in their plan but decide if Kemi goes out of the house, this will fix the problem.
Meanwhile, we start to see another relationship blooming in the house. Kat and Michie are getting closer and despite their cries of ‘NO SHOWMANCE’, it’s quite obvious they are a showmance or a show hookup at best. And they aren’t fooling anyone! Everyone in the house is on to them!
Time to pick players for the…
Veto competition!
Christie draws Sam, Cliff draws HG choice and chooses Jack, and Kat picks Nicole to play. After picking players, the doorbell rings and in walks Kaycee, BB 20 winner and all around BADASS! Love her! She’s there to host the Veto competition.
The food fight competition appears to be quite difficult for most of the houseguests, especially Cliff, Nicole and Kat (all with 0 points)! Christie does marginally well but Sam and Jack battle it out to win. Sam wins VETO!
After the comp, everyone wants to know what Sam will do with the veto. He’s leaning toward taking Cliff off because no one really has any hard feelings toward Cliff. Jack and Michie want Kemi to be backdoored this week in a bad way and this can happen if Cliff comes off the block.
Jack approaches Christie and basically dictates what will happen this week and this does not sit well with her. Christie is no doormat and will not be bullied into making a decision based on what Jack wants.
She starts to question whether or not Kemi leaving the house will even benefit her game. Of course, it does not and she realizes that she needs to make a different move. After confiding in other houseguests that are not even in the Gr8ful alliance, she decides to make a bold move this week and stray from her original plan.
She meets with Sam to talk it out and tries to figure out who might be another target. And in the WORST timing of BB history, Ovi comes up to tell them dinner is ready. Well, guess who they realize is the best target?? Smh.
Fast forward to the Veto Ceremony, Sam uses the POV on Cliff and Christie is forced to nominate a new person. Ovi is stunned when she calls his name, as are the members of her alliance. Christie shows she is no punk and will make a move to suit herself if need be. Will this come back to bite her in the ass or not? We will see…
Live Show
Day 15 in the Big Brother house brings an exciting new twist in the game. The evicted houseguest will not be heading home and will continue to live in the house! What? This is absolutely a new direction for BB, called Camp Comeback.
After the noms, Christie goes to smooth things over with Kat and Ovi (our noms). She tells them both they are pawns to cover her own ass and Ovi gets very emotional as he thought they were truly in an alliance together. Come on Ovi!! He begins his campaigning for the week and meets with everyone to try and get some votes.
Meanwhile, Kat is acting like a complete FREAK and paranoid to the extreme! 6 words, “Are you bitches conspiring against me?”
She keeps repeating this phrase and everyone is growing super tired of her.
In a last ditch effort, Ovi drops a bomb and tells Jack and Michie that he can be their shield and has the Nightmare power. He offers them a deal that he will use his power on them and guarantees safety for the next week if they decide to keep him in the house. Will this be enough? I have to applaud Ovi on this boss move.
It’s Time!
Live Vote commences and in an unanimous vote of 12-0, the houseguests vote to evict Ovi, BUT he does not leave the house! Camp Comeback is now open and Julie calls Ovi back to the chairs and David returns!
Camp Comeback is the new twist this season. It means the first 4 houseguests will still live in the house and play a social game but will not compete in any comps or vote. These 4 houseguests will then battle each other to win a chance to come back and play the game.
They also will live in a separate and uncomfortable room upstairs. David and Ovi go upstairs to Camp Comeback and the other HG’s go outside to compete in the next HOH comp!
HOH Comp
HG’s compete in a quiz type comp as they watch fireworks displays and have to remember details. After several rounds, we find out that Jack and Jessica have a keen eye for details and make it to the final round. In the end, Jack wins HOH!
This episode ends with all of the houseguests gathered in Camp Comeback to greet David and talk with Ovi. This will be an interesting week with both of them back in the house.
Stay tuned for Sunday’s episode to find out who Jack puts on the block and next week Big Brother 21 will return to its regular Wednesday 9/8c and Thursday 9/8c show nights and of course Sundays 8/7c.
Don’t miss a single episode!
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