BB21: Weeks 11 and 12
Hello BB Fans! We are getting so close to the end! Here is your recap for the past 2 weeks and the long-awaited Double Eviction Night!
We start this week with Michie as our new HOH and his target is Jessica over Christie. Christie starts realizing that Michie and Holly are playing both sides of the house and does not trust him. The houseguests play the “Hide and Go Veto” competition and Tommy wins it! He promptly takes Christie off the block and she survives another nomination! Michie puts Cliff up as his pawn and we are left wondering who will go home this week? Will it be Jessica or Cliff?
Day 76 and Michie and Holly are playing hard! They keep referring to it as “high-risk/high-reward.” Christie begins to campaign against the duo. They find out from Cliff and it confirms their suspicions. Since it is Double Eviction night, we move right into he first vote of the night.
Live Vote #1 with a vote of 4-0, Jessica is evicted from the BB house.
HOH Competition
This one is a puzzle competition and Nicole blows them all out of the water to win the HOH!
She has to immediately nominate 2 houseguests and she and Cliff pick their side of the house. She nominates Christie and Tommy for eviction.
Veto competition
This is the biggest veto comp of the summer! Will Tommy or Christie win to save themselves from eviction?
“What the Bleep?”
Cliff wins!!! He keeps the nominations the same as expected and one of these 2 will be leaving the house tonight!
Live vote #2 with a vote of 3-0, Christie is evicted from the BB house. Double Eviction night ends.
Week 12
Tommy is distraught and alone with his #1 ally is gone. He has a positive attitude and tries to rally himself to win this game! Nicole gets her HOH basket and basks in her win for awhile. She deserves it and I definitely shed a tear watching her read her letter and enjoy her pictures. Best line, after she reads her Lucky Charms box, “3 new unicorns! How long have I been away? What???” Too funny!
Swaggy C and Baleigh come back to host the HOH competition. Everyone competes and Michie wins HOH! He nominates Cliff and Tommy. He’s true to the final 4 with Cliff/Nicole and Holly. He wants Tommy out but we still have the veto to play!
Veto Competition- BB Comics
Nicole wins with fastest time! The 2 guys will remain on the block for eviction night!
She tries to convince Cliff to keep Tommy, so they can break up the showmance, and he considers the plan. They are definitely conflicted on what to do.
Veto Ceremony
Nicole pulls Cliff from the block and Michie has no choice but to put Holly on the block. She trusts that Cliff and Nicole are solid and won’t send her home.
Eviction night and Tommy has some hope of staying and keeps fighting. This proves to be quite a dramatic and tension-filled week for Cliff and Nicole. They go back and forth about who to evict. Michie and Holly get word they are unsure of their votes and things start to get a little uncomfortable in the BB house. Tommy promises he will throw the HOH competition if they keep him! He decides to finally tell Cliff and Nicole that he knew Christie outside the house. They are shocked by this news but take it in stride.
Meanwhile, Cliff is positioning himself with Michie to get to a final 3. He is still loyal to Nicole but wants to make sure he has a solid path to the end.
Michie listens in on the conversation Tommy has with Cliff and Nicole and decides he needs to make one last ditch effort to secure Holly in the game. He uses what he hears and uses just enough of the truth to make up a lie on Tommy (he’s playing both sides).
The 2 remain undecided up until right before the final vote! Julie lets us in on the chaos in the house right before the live show.
Live Vote #3– with a vote of 2-0, Tommy is evicted from the BB house.
HOH Competition
This one is an endurance competition and if all goes a planned, Holly is supposed to throw it as part of her deal for staying in the house. Will she?
Sunday’s episode continues with the HOH competition and a recap of what really happened 7 hours before the live eviction. It was full of drama, yelling and tears. Tommy defended himself and tells the truth in a house meeting. They both hold their ground. Michie masterfully holds his own in this debate. He makes the case that Tommy is going to run the jury and lies on Tommy over and over. I gotta say Michie made a genius move and everything he did actually worked!
Back to HOH. As expected, Cliff didn’t last long with an endurance competition. He drops first and then Holly considers winning for a second, until Michie reminds her she needs to drop! She does! Nicole wins HOH!
Michie breaks down for lying on Tommy. He actually sheds some tears. He admits the wrongdoings but he is playing the game!
Nicole nominates Michie and Holly. The final four will duke it out in the veto! Don’t miss this week!
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