SWAT Episode 17 Lifestyles of The Rich and The Famous This weeks episode starts off with an amazing aerial view of a pretty expensive house. Beautiful pool, nice size property, and of course some pricey cars to match. A man pulls up into the driveway of the house and walks in yelling to his wife […]
SWAT Episode 16 “Payback”
SWAT Episode 16 Last week we saw Hondo, once again, keep his promise to a friend and his family. We also witness Chris give the cold shoulder to a fellow female officer in the academy for a potential SWAT spot. The armored car/truck robberies were pretty cool. Anyone ever wonder what it would be like […]
SWAT Episode 15 “Crews”
SWAT Episode 15 A dead confidential informant, armored car/truck robbery, and still hazing Street. SWAT IS BACK PEOPLE! Yes, it’s been three whole weeks since the last episode. Congrats to the NCAA Final Four, BUT I need my weekly fix of Hondo and the team, I’m sure you do too. Let’s get into it… Armored […]
SWAT Episode 14 – Ghosts
SWAT Episode 14 Previously on SWAT… Let’s recap from last week’s episode, Jondo is taking a break….yeah that’s pretty much it. They decided to end things, for now, because it was best for the department and the changes Jess and Commissioner Plank were trying to implement. With her career and reputation on the line, Hondo […]
SWAT Episode 13: Fences
SWAT Episode 13 Lets Quentin Tarantino this $*#@%. Street’s in deep with Commander Hicks and every immigrant everywhere. A gang recruiter terrorizes the city of Los Angeles. Jess and Hondo call it quits. This week’s episode “Fences” was all about overcoming obstacles, being resilient, and mostly revolved around Jess and Commissioner Plank’s proposal. Many issues […]