SWAT Episode 13 Lets Quentin Tarantino this $*#@%. Street’s in deep with Commander Hicks and every immigrant everywhere. A gang recruiter terrorizes the city of Los Angeles. Jess and Hondo call it quits. This week’s episode “Fences” was all about overcoming obstacles, being resilient, and mostly revolved around Jess and Commissioner Plank’s proposal. Many issues […]
Peter Facinelli
S.W.A.T. – Get Caught Up On Season 1
S.W.A.T. Season 1 – CBS Is it just me, or do you find yourself singing along to the opening credits? Now, I’ve never seen the old series, but I have seen the movie version. You know, with that one actor who’s in everything, Samuel L. Jackson, along with some of my other favorites, Colin Farrell […]